Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

*Author's P.O.V*

Harry dribbles the ball as he walks up to the blonde, who is watching his feet closely. He moves left and the blonde instantly follows, smacking the ball out of his hands. Niall can't get far because Harry trips him then takes the ball back as he falls to the ground. He shoots the ball in before doing a little shimmy, which makes him growl lowly. Niall stands up as he picks up the ball again and tosses it to him with slight force. He is sure that he is going to have a talk with Zayn about paying attention. He dribbles the ball as his sweat hit the ground. He just decides to shoot from where he stands.

He thinks that it is going to go in but the ball bounces off the rim and in seconds Harry grabs the ball and dunks. Harry can feel his win coming as he plays with the ball seeing the blonde starting to get piss. A bright smile comes up on his face as he suddenly thinks of something. It is a big risk but he is willing to take it because, who knows, it just might happen. He walks around Niall and stands away from the rim, holding the ball tight. He is praying in his head that he makes this shot as the blonde looks at him confused with his head lean to the side.

"What are you doing?" Niall asks, cutting the green off from talking.

"If I make this shot, I don't get to masturbate anymore but if I do I get to make out with you for another week." Harry says and Niall nods even though he can't see it.

"Go for it. I got nothing to lose your not going to get it so just drop the ball and we can leave with me making the winning shot." Niall replies with a shrug as he sits down on the ground.

"Roses are red violets are blue talk shit again I'll hit you with a shoe." Harry says as he looks over his shoulder at the blonde with a glare.

"Seriously, stop quoting vines before I punch you in the nose." Niall states, giving the green eye male a quick glare.

"Did you seriously did not hear what I just said to you?" Harry questions, looking at blonde like he is stupid.

"I heard what you said. Just miss the shot before I pass out." Niall says and the taller male really wants to take off his shoe right now and throw it at the blonde's head.

Zayn puts his phone away and looks over at the two as his best friend is getting ready to shoot. The blonde plays with the waistband of his shorts waiting for the ball to fly right pass the rim. Harry throws the ball and quickly turns around to watch the ball fly to the rim. Niall stands up with his eyes growing wide as the ball goes right through hoop. Harry falls to his knees with his hands up as the blonde kicks the basketball in anger. He stands to his feet after a while and goes to get his shirt seeing the blonde trying to sneak away. He shakes his head and grabs Niall's shirt. He clears his throat loudly and the blonde freezes before turning around.

"This can't be happening to me." Niall mumbles to himself as he quietly groans.

"Bring that ass here boy." Harry says and the blonde walks over to him reaching for his shirt but he holds it out of reach."You'll get it after our quick little make out session."

"This is not how I plan spending two weeks." Niall says and the taller male rolls his eyes.

"What we're you going to do for those two weeks?" Harry asks not really interested as he gives the other male a bored stare.

"Read, catch up on some shows, and hang out with Louis." Niall says, which makes the taller male laugh a bit.

"I forgot you were a nerd for a second god your life is so boring." Harry says before putting a hand on the blonde's shoulder."Now shut up and kiss me you Irish nerd."

Niall lets out a puff of air before grabbing the back of the green eye male's neck and pulling him into a kiss. A smile comes up on Harry's face as he wraps his arms around Niall's waist. He drops both shirts to the ground letting out a moan as the blonde sucks on his tongue. Zayn cringes at the sight. He decides that he is just going to head home. Harry nibbles on the blonde's bottom lip before pulling away glad that he doesn't get way to horny from that. Niall wipes the corner of his mouth then picks up his shirt his lips swollen and red. The green eye male picks up his shirt and follows Niall off the court and heads back to Harry's place.

Harry finds it weird that the blonde is single because first off he is a really great kisser. He also has a great personality even though he acts like a complete dick at points. He knows that the blonde will make any guy or girl happy in the future and he hopes they do the same to him. He may act like a bitch but he truly does have feelings and he cares about people. He may not show it but he does as he finally makes it home after twenty minutes of walking. He sits his sweaty shirt on the armrest of the couch before heading to his bathroom. He knows that he needs a cold shower. He feels like he is going to faint if he doesn't.

While Harry takes his shower, the blonde decides to make him a quick snack because he is starving. He didn't think that the taller male would win by that shot but he did and now he has to make out with him for two weeks. He can't say that it is bad because he gets to make out with him, who is a good kisser. After Harry comes down from his shower, he sees the blue eye male putting back a plate and fork. He holds out a towel to Niall, who grabs it getting the message. He goes upstairs to take a shower as Harry decides to make himself a snack as well.



I hope next time a bromance award happens this story can get first place for Narry stories. I'll let you guys know if its in another award so don't worry. If you know before me then tell please but most likely I'll know before you. Anyways Harry won and only one person voted for Niall which I found funny af.

Bye my With Your Love. ♥ ★

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