Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

*Author P.O.V*

*Next Day*

"How is someone like you single?" Harry asked as he kissed Zack's, a random guy he met in the store, neck.

"I could ask you the same thing." Zack said pushing Harry on the bed and straddled his lap then taking off his shirt.

"I don't do relationships." Harry said before sitting up and wrapping his arms around Zack's neck.

"Me either I guess we're a match made in heaven." Zack said before cupping Harry's cheeks and kissed him.

Harry doesn't know why but Zack remind him of Niall in a lot of ways. For starters he has blue eyes, blonde hair, pale as fuck, and likes to laugh a lot. The only thing that was different was that Zack had a Spanish accent and was a little bit shorter than Niall but he had a lot of muscle. Harry shook the thought out of his head knowing that he needed to focus on Zack not Niall. He moaned as Zack started to grind against his crotch at a slow pace. Harry groaned as he heard a knock downstairs but he decided to ignore it. He rolled over so he was on top of Zack both of them taking off their jeans and boxers. Harry reached for the condom and lube that was on the drawer as the knocking grew louder.

"Are you going to get that?" Zack asked and Harry shook his head before he slipped the condom on.

Harry was just about to enter Zack but his bedroom door open to reveal Niall standing there. He went over to Harry's cloest as Zack pushed Harry off him and got under the duvets. Harry looked over at Niall like he was crazy as Niall grabbed his shirt and wallet before leaving the room. Harry got off the bed and slipped on his boxers before going after Niall seeing him about to open the front door. Harry grabbed his elbow and spun Niall around receiving a glare from Niall who took a step back from him. Niall put his wallet in his back pocket then looked up at Harry waiting on a answer. Harry crossed his arms over his chest then nodded his head to the stairs leading upstairs.

"You can't just walk your way up in here and you could have knocked." Harry said and Niall let out a bitter laugh.

"You think I give a shit me stuff was in your house and I wanted it back. You fucking heard me on this door and you could have finished fucking that twink that looks like me." Niall said and Harry scoffed at him.

"He does not look like you." Harry lied as he rolled his eyes while Niall turn around and opened the front door."Maybe you wished it was you."

"How many times have we been over this? You will never top me unless your riding me cock." Niall said which made Harry smirk knowing he had him right where he wanted him.

"You called off the bet so you want to test your little theory out?" Harry asked making Niall look back at him.

Right as Niall was about to answer Harry grabbed his cheeks and kissed him. He doesn't care that he has someone else upstairs waiting on him to put his cock up their ass. He started to walk backwards to the living room not separating his lips from Niall's. A low groan left his mouth as Niall moved his lips to Harry's neck nibbling and sucking on it. He grabbed Harry's bum pulling him closer and grinded their crotch together. He smirked hearing Harry breath heavily as he closed his eyes and threw his head back. Niall pulled away from him with a laugh which made Harry snap his eyes open. He looked at Niall who walked out the front door.

Harry was kind of disappointed that they couldn't continue because that felt amazing to him. He ran his fingers through his hair and gripped it tight trying not to cry out in frustration. He actually did miss the way that Niall's lips felt against his. He knew that he didn't like, like Niall theres no way. He only fucks no relationships at all but that's not what his heart was feeling. He was hoping that Niall would come back and just kiss the daylights out of him. He crossed his arms over his chest again wondering if Zack saw or heard what he and Niall we're saying. He then shrugged because he doesn't give a fuck which snapped him out of his thoughts looking back at Niall.

"My theory was proven right have a nice day Harry." Niall said before shutting the front door leaving a shock Harry looking at the door.

"Harry, is everything alright down here?" Zack asked coming down the stairs with the duvets wrapped around him.

"I'm going to fuck you so good." Harry said grabbing Zack's hand and pulled the shock boy back upstairs.

"Weren't you going to do that before?" Zack asked as he was pushed onto the bed with the duvets being pulled off of him.

"This time its different." Harry said before he slipped off his boxers and climbed on top of Zack.

He hates it that Zack looks like Niall a little bit but he pushed that thought away as he eased into him. It kind of felt wrong to be doing this he only had ten days left before he could have had sex again. He wanted to pull out but fuck Zack's heat felt so good around him. He bit his bottom lip before he started to slowly thrust his hands holding a tight grip on Zack's hips. He started to thrust harder hearing Zack's moans get louder and he really hope that Niall could hear so he could be jealous. He smirked at the thought and thrusted faster making Zack grip his biceps tightly. Harry couldn't wait to rub it in Niall's face the next time he sees him.

"Fuck Niall." Harry moaned and he closed his eyes when realization hit him in the face. He looked down at Zack to see that he didn't notice the little slip up.



Since I'm not going to update on Halloween I would just like to say Happy Motherfucking Halloween you beautiful sons os bitches. Anyway my mind would like to know what you think about this chapter or simply what you think about me.

Bye my boobies.★

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