Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

*Author P.O.V*

"Why did my boyfriend have to be enemies with my best friend?" Zayn asked and Harry stopped all his movements.

"When the fuck did you start dating that hideous looking thing?" Harry asked as Niall started to calm Louis down."What about our little friends with benefits thingy thing?"

"I started seeing Louis around the time you and Niall made that bet and I can't keep having you as a booty call plus I can tell what's going to happen between you and Niall." Zayn said making Harry pout.

"What do you think is going to happen between us?" Niall asked letting Louis go and turned to look at Zayn with a curious look in his eyes."Don't think I'm going to start falling for him."

"And what's wrong with falling for me?" Harry asked glaring at Niall while putting his hands on his hips as Zayn facepalm as Liam came by the door.

"Not to be mean or anything but you fuck anything that walks and I'm pretty sure you let Liam have his way with you in the kitchen." Niall said and Liam took a step toward him making Niall point at him."Don't even start with me."

"You wasn't acting like this when your cock was in my mouth so you know what Niall? Fuck you and your stupid little bet I can't believe that I even agreed to that shit in the first place. I fucking hope you end up alone for the rest of your boring nerd ass life you worthless piece of shit!!!" Harry shouted and Niall nodded before shoving Harry to the floor.

"I will you heartless bastard I can't wait to see you in hell I'll make sure Satan gives you what you deserve!!!" Niall shouted before leaving making sure that he slammed the door hard.

Zayn grabbed Louis hand then looked at Harry before they left the house leaving Harry alone with Liam. The house quiet as Liam helped Harry up off the floor. Harry went in the living room and started to pace around while running his fingers through his hair. He heard something outside and looked out the window to see Niall hugging Louis while Zayn rubbed his back. Harry rolled his eyes because they were all being over dramatic to him. He looked away from the window and went to go sit down on the couch and continued to watch his movie. Liam came and sat next to him slowly sitting a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"You alright?" Liam asked and Harry nodded his head with a smile as he looked over at Liam.

"I'm perfectly fine you better ask the drama queens outside." Harry said nodding his head to the window.

"Don't you think you were being a bit dramatic as well?" Liam asked looking down at his lap as Harry glared at him.

"Well Liam, if you think I was being dramatic, then go outside and join them I'm not going to stop you." Harry said before leaving the living room and went to his bedroom.

He slammed the door close before jumping on the bed groaning loudly into the pillow. He was tired of every one shit he just wanted sex right now and he was going to get it. He felt in his pockets for his phone pulling it out and going through his contacts. He let out a sigh when most of the people he texted were busy or not in the mood. He definitely wasn't going to go get Zayn since he's seeing Louis the thought made Harry mentally gag. He wasn't going to go to Liam since he thinks he's being dramatic. Harry looked through his contacts one more time before throwing his phone down on the bed. He fell back on his bed with his hands over his face he was sure that this was going to be a good day.

His ears perked up hearing the front door open making him sit up and listen out for anything. He didn't hear anything but then soon heard a sigh before the front door was closed again. There was a knock on his door and he got up and opened it to see Zayn standing there. He was glad that Louis or Niall wasn't with him or he would have jumped out a window. He crossed his arms over his chest and poked one of his hips out waiting for Zayn to talk. He was definitely sure that he wasn't going to talk because he had nothing to say. Zayn rubbed his temples knowing that this was definitely going to be interesting.

"Niall called off the bet and said fuck whoever you want to fuck." Zayn said and Harry let out a bitter laugh.

"And why couldn't he tell me that himself?" Harry asked a little bit curious about it.

"Oh I don't know maybe because he's feeling down and doesn't feel like talking to the person who made him feel like that." Zayn said with a shrug.

"Oh come on I wasn't even harsh he's just jealous of Liam." Harry said and Zayn let out a fake laugh.

"Oh really so telling him that he's a worthless piece of shit and you hope that he ends up alone is nice?" Zayn asked making Harry glare at him.

"Your not innocent either you called him a nerd and locked him in a room with me." Harry said his voice raising a little.

"If we were to compare who gets the dick award it would be you my friend congratulations I'll try harder next year." Zayn said clapping slowly as Harry turned red with anger.

"Get the fuck out Zayn don't even think about talking to me again go live with your troll and tell Niall he should grow a pair." Harry said and slammed the door in Zayn's face.

"Grow up Harry!!!" Zayn shouted before turning around and leaving while shaking his head.

"I don't need to grow up I already did idiot." Harry mumbled to himself as he went back over to his bed and laid down deciding that he was just going to sleep his anger away.



This story is just a emotionally rollercoaster but at least you guys are holding on to it. I don't want you to fall off and die lol. I've just been really lazy this few weeks but on a different note its like ever since that day I missed an update my comments and votes just dropped so much I'm just like damn.

Bye my aliens. ◆◆●●□□●●◆◆

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