Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

*Author's P.O.V*

"That was a good joke." Niall says with a nervous laugh as he runs his fingers through his hair but he stops when he sees Harry's serious face.

"I'm serious." Harry states and the blonde male's eyes grow wide as Zayn burst out laughing, looking between his friend and the clueless male."Zayn, you messed up the prank you idiot."

"My bad." Zayn says when his friend punches his shoulder playfully.

The blonde let's out a breath of relief, closing his blue eyes for a second. Harry ruffles his hair trying to keep his cool because any guy would instantly say yes if they had the opportunity to get their dick suck. He shrugs his shoulders before straddling Niall's lap, who eyes snap open at the new weight on him. He looks in the taller male's eyes that hold lust and determination with a small drop of anger. He doesn't know what to do right now. He doesn't know if should he push the green eye male away or wait for him to get off. Harry stops his lips from coming into contact with the blonde's lips while still keeping eye contact. He wants to see if the blonde is going to fill the gap but he doesn't, which makes him roll his eyes and get off him.

Niall looks over at Zayn, who only gives him a shrug with a grin on his face. He looks at the green eye male. who leaves the living room, going up the stairs. Harry walks down the hall before going in his room and grabbing a football jersey, slipping it on quickly then heading back to the living room like nothing happen. He is a bit horny and he can't wait until the blonde leaves so he can ride his best friend until the sun rises again. All that seducing really work him up. He sits down between Zayn and Niall, putting his feet on the coffee table and crossing his arms over his chest as he looks at the TV. Niall feels bad, thinking he has upset the curly hair male.

"I'm sorry for making you angry." Niall says as he scratches the back of his head, looking down at his lap biting his bottom lip.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. I'm not mad and it was a joke. I play with Zayn like that all the time." Harry answers with a shrug his voice, not sounding convincing at all but the blonde buys it.

Zayn knows his best friend is sexually frustrated so he wraps his arm around his shoulder and pulls him closer to his side. Harry puts his head on Zayn's shoulder and closes his eyes, taking in a few deep breaths trying to get rid of his slight hard on. The blue eye male looks over at the two, trying to figure out are they a couple or best friends because they kind of seem like both at some moments. He decides to leave it alone for now and just finish watching the movie like Zayn and Harry are doing. As soon as the movie is over, he decides he is just going to head home and Harry literally jumps on Zayn when he leaves.

"God damn Harry. You almost crushed my damn bones." Zayn says as he tries to catch his breath but Harry kisses him hard, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"I don't care just fuck me already Zayn." Harry says as he takes off his jeans and boxers, throwing them away from him.

*An Hour Later*

"I really needed that." Harry pants out as he rolls off of his friend, who put his hands behind his head with a grin.

"I did too." Zayn states, grabbing a cigarette as Harry rolls his green eyes at him with a laugh.

Harry grabs his phone, seeing he has a miss call from his sister. He just pretends he doesn't see that as he sees a text from the blue eye male. His eyes grow wide and a smile comes up on his face. He pushes Zayn off the couch, who grunts when his back makes contact with the floor. Harry quickly gets up, putting on his jeans without any underwear. He then slips his jersey back on along with some shoes. He fixes his hair and smells himself, happy that he doesn't smell like sex. He looks down at his friend, who decides he is just going to chill on the floor. Harry shrugs before leaving the house with a huge smile on his face.

*15 Minutes Later*

"I thought I could lift it by myself but turns out I couldn't." Niall explains as Harry sloppily wipes at his bleeding bicep, looking at the ceiling regretting looking at his phone.

"I can see that." Harry says, rolling his eyes and letting out a puff of air as he tries to stay calm.

Niall is redecorating his living room and decides to move the couch but he doesn't look where he is going and trips over his bookbag, landing on the glass coffee table. The table breaks and a piece of glass stabs the blonde in the bicep and he doesn't want to try and move his couch again so he texts his new friend and that's how they end up here. With Harry trying to stop himself from screaming his heart out and Niall wincing a bit at the pain as he looks down at his lap. Harry feels like crying because the blonde is being so difficult with him. All he wants is for Niall to fuck him then move on like everyone else.

But that is the problem. Niall isn't like everyone else and that really confuses green eye male big time. He then thinks about something. Maybe someone told the blonde about him and that's why he doesn't want to have sex with him. Harry shakes the thought away, thinking that is stupid. But then he thinks that a girl he got pregnant talked to him but he mentally laughed in his head because he always uses protection and gets himself check. He is truly trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with the blue eye male at the moment as he kind of roughly jabs at Niall's wound.

"You're kind of hurting me here Harry." Niall says as he looks up at Harry, who comes back in reality, looking down at the blonde's hand that holds a good grip on his wrist.

"Oh I'm sorry." Harry says, pulling his wrist free and throws the wet cloth away as the blonde stands and flexes his arms, looking at them making Harry whimper a bit.

"It doesn't hurt that much." Niall replies, grabbing a bandaid and covering the cut that stops bleeding.

"Why won't you fuck me?" Harry questions, putting his hands on his hips and looking dead in the blonde's blue eyes that slightly grow wide.




You can not tell me that every 1D isn't twerkable. I literally twerked to You & I, 18, Spaces, Change My Mind, Over Again, Fireproof, Fool's Gold, Right Now, Half A Heart, Story Of My Life, and Night Changes. But I didn't do it on purpose. I was just goofing off and suddenly I'm just twerking and laughing like crazy.

Bye my Hoedown Throwdown.★♥

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