Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*Author's P.O.V*

"What?" Niall asks as his arms drop to his sides. Zayn looks at him with a amused look on his lips.

"I'm just fucking with you Niall." Harry lies as he fake laughs and pulls the blonde male into a hug, ruffling his hair as Niall starts to laugh as well.

"That was a good one mate." Niall says, pulling away from the hug as Harry nods his curly head with a smile. Niall waves at them before leaving.

"Damn it!" Harry shouts as he locks his front door then putting his back to it, closing his green eyes as his friend laughs while giving him a pat on the shoulder.

He really thought that he was going to get the blonde. To him it is as if he knows what Harry is trying to do, which confuses him. The blonde looks like Harry's most easiest target but it turns out he isn't and that kind of pisses him off. He knows he is suppose to be upstairs right now, riding the blonde until he couldn't take no more. But sadly he's still downstairs with a pout on his face as his best friend makes his way to the living room again. Harry leaves the door and goes upstairs then into his room, deciding he is going to try harder tomorrow. He closes his door before jumping onto his bed, knowing the sooner he goes to sleep the sooner he wakes up.

Harry makes sure he is on his A game today by showering, shaving, washing his hair, brushing his teeth, cleaning up his house, and making a good breakfast. He has invite the blonde over for breakfast, who said yes before the taller male could even finish his sentence. So now he stands by the counter, looking down at the three plates he makes that have a omelet, bacon, and jelly toast. The green eye male jumps when he feels a pair of arms wrap around his waist. He turns around to look into his friend's hazel eyes. Before a word can leave Harry's mouth, he is kiss and it really doesn't take him long to kiss back.

He let's out a gasp as he is set on the counter top next to the plate of food, which gives his friend the perfect opportunity to shove his tongue in his mouth. Harry wraps his legs around Zayn's waist, pulling him closer, and wraps his arms around his neck as Zayn starts to suck and kiss on his face. A knock is on the front door as Harry let's out a moan. His eyes grow wide knowing that must be the blue eye male at the front door. He taps his friend's shoulder, trying to tell him to stop but he didn't listen as he bites down on his soft spot, making him moan again. He closes his green eyes, enjoying the pleasure, but his eyes snap open again at another knock on the door.

"Zayn, I have to get the door." Harry says, panting slightly and Zayn moves away from him with a smile on his face before grabbing his plate and leaving the kitchen.

Harry quickly runs out the kitchen and over to the front door, opening it just in time as the blonde lifts his hand up in the air. Niall smiles as he looks up at the green eye male but the smile soon fades when he sees that his new friend is shirtless with a big smile on his face. Harry moves out the way so the shorter male can come in and he does, ignoring when the shirtless male sticks out his hips, making his hand brush against his crotch. He is going to take every opportunity he has today. He doesn't care what it is. All he wants is to get the blonde in his bed. He leads Niall to the kitchen, putting his hand on his lower back before going over to get his plate for him.

"Thanks man, you really didn't have to do this." Niall said as Harry grabbed his own plate and walked out the kitchen going into the living room sitting down on the couch with Zayn.

"Your welcome and I don't mind doing it for a very attractive guy." The green eye male explains, sending a wink to the blonde, who blushes, looking down at his plate before he starts eating it.

"Thanks I guess." Niall says after he takes a bite from his bacon, trying to calm down his nerves.

Harry looks at the television, seeing that his best friend is watching Sinister. He thinks of some things he can do with his food that is sexual. He just shrugs his shoulders and decides to moan each time he eats something. Zayn seems like he doesn't hear any of the moaning while the blonde looks like a cherry. Harry smirks and moans a little bit more loudly as he finishes his bacon, licking the little bit of crumb on his bottom lip. When he sees the shorter male glance at him, he swipes some jelly on his index finger before taking it in his mouth slowly. He pulls his finger in and out with a moan as he swirls his tongue around his finger before pulling it out with a loud pop.

"I really like jelly." Harry states as he glances at Niall, who gives him a shy smile clearing his throat and finishing his toast.

"I can tell." The blonde hair replies quietly, looking back at the TV and sitting his finish plate on the coffee table next to the hazel eye male's empty plate.

"I'll clean this up." Harry states as he finishes off his toast then grabs all of the plates, bending down in front of the blonde, who moves a bit in his seat, rubbing his thighs.

Harry takes a quick glance back then gives the blonde a wink, watching the male look down when he sees Harry's wink and lace panties. Harry stands up straight before going back in the kitchen. A very proud smile on his face, knowing if he keeps this up then the blonde will jump on him any second now. He washes the dishes before going back in the living room, 'stretching' his arms over his head seeing the blonde hair male look over at him. Harry makes sure to flex a bit. making his tattoos stand out more. Niall bites his bottom lip then pushes his glasses back up on his face. Harry can see the blonde male gulp when he sits back down, seeing him squeeze his knees every twenty seconds.

"Can I suck your dick?" Harry questions while he leans back and wraps his arm around the blonde's shoulder, who eyes grow wide as he chokes on air.




Don't worry my fellow Narry shippers. Liam and Louis will be coming up soon in the motherfucking story. I really need to stop cursing. I do it way to fucking much. You would think that I'm Irish with the way I curse but it's a habit that I slowly have to break but I'll get there. You'll see. You'll all fucking see!

Bye my Team Breezy.;-)

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