Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

*Author P.O.V*

"Is Zayn alright?" Niall asked once he saw Harry walk back in the house looking like a homeless man.

"Yeah, now let's have sex." Harry said as he took off his shirt and took off his pants while Niall shook his head with a laugh.

"We need to talk." Niall said and Harry looked up at him with wide eyes his brain screaming at him to run for the hills."Louis texted me-"

"He's lying he's just mad that I called him a hedgehog I swear." Harry said quickly as he took a step back making himself trip over his pants and fall to the floor.

This was not happening to him right now. He just wished that he could erase Niall's memory of seeing that text. He also just wanted to disappear out of sight for the rest of his life. He stood up as Niall frowned at him trying to scurry away from him. In all honestly he was very shock that Harry grew feelings for him. Truth be told he had slight feelings for Harry ever since he got to knew him on that weird date. Of course, he knew Harry would deny it because he really doesn't share his feelings. He just treat people like shit and sleep around with no care in the world. He was pulled out of his thoughts again when he saw Harry stumble out the room and into the bathroom. He walked to the bathroom door and knocked on it lightly. He heard the bath water turn on which made him knock a little harder.

"I'm taking a shower come back another time!!!" Harry shouted as he leaned against the door with his eyes closed tight.

"Sooner or later we're going to talk about that text Harry!" Niall shouted before he left from the door then the house.

Harry slid down the door until his bum hit the floor. He pulled his knees to his chest and put his face in his knees. He let out frustrated scream while he slammed his fits down on the floor. He didn't want to fall for anyone because he doesn't know how to treat someone. All his life he had his walls up not wanting anyone to knock them down. Niall was breaking them down bit by bit and Harry was scared out of his fucking mind. He didn't want to be hurt that's why he hurts other people. Now he knew how those other people felt about him. He regretted ever treating them like toys. At this very moment he would never be feeling or thinking this way and its all Niall's fault. He sat there for what felt like hours just thinking over things in his life. When he lifted his head up, water was over flowing from the tub. Harry was quick to his feet but that caused him to slip and hit his head against the sink making him black out.

*A Few Hours Later*

"Harry can you hear me?" Niall asked as he waved his hand in front of Harry's face as his eyes fully opened.

"What happened?" Harry asked as he sat up feeling lightheaded which made him lay back down with a groan.

"Your house was flooded and you hit your head on something pretty hard." Niall said as he held out a glass of milk and painkillers to Harry."I decided you could stay here until your place is dry."

"Thank you." Harry said then took the painkillers and glass of milk he down the pills with the milk as Niall smiled at him.

Niall grabbed the ice pack off the coffee table and put it against the small bump on Harry's head. Harry gave him a quick smile before closing his eyes. He prayed Niall didn't bring up the text right now; he wasn't ready at all to talk about it. However, Niall saw that this was the perfect time to talk about it. It was better to just get everything out instead just keeping it all in and have it go completely wrong when the time came. Niall knew that Harry didn't fall asleep. He was just simply trying to ignore the very needed conversation and Niall thought that was very childish. He found it a tad bit cute too because Harry claims that he's mature. The way he was acting right now was not helping his claim at all. He didn't know that though he was just focus on not talking about his feelings.

"Its okay to like someone Harry." Niall said as he sat his hand on Harry's knee making him flinch and groan.

"I'm trying to sleep Niall and your really interrupting it." Harry said still not opening his eyes."Let me rest."

"You've been out for a few hours I don't think your still that sleepy." Niall said as he shook his head while Harry sat up quickly.

"If I don't want to talk, you can't make me. If I say I'm sleepy, then I'm still fucking sleepy. Now go to work or something anything that would keep you away from me." Harry said and Niall scoffed as he got up off the couch.

"And to think that I actually had feelings for you." Niall mumbled to himself as he left the living room making Harry look back at him with wide eyes.

Harry shook his head trying to see what he had just heard was true. He really didn't want to believe it at all but at the same time everything was starting to click in his head. The way Niall would get closer to him when Liam was around. The way Niall would spend most of his days with him. Harry smacked his forehead with a annoyed groan but that was a bad idea. His head started to hurt and he let out a moan of pain. He rubbed his temples wanting everything to go back to the way it was. He seriously just couldn't take it anymore. He felt like a really emotional pregnant lady right now because he was having so many confusing emotions right now. He wants to be mad at Niall but at the same time he just want to make sure he's okay and apologize. Harry laid back on the couch and let out a huff of air.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Harry mumbled out as he covered his face with his arms and groaned a bit loudly.



Awww Narry is slowly yet surely is coming together. Let's celebrate this magical moment right here folks. I feel that Harry had some character development throughout this story and I'm proud like a motherfucker. Also wanted to let you guys know you can keep asking questions for the character ask and I'll make sure to respond asap.

Bye my Cry Baby. ✋

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