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requested by: @TBS_LOVERR


YOU WERE THE only girl in the Glade, which meant things got overwhelming at times. But you fought through it with the help of your boyfriend, Thomas. You used to work in the gardens together. It helped having him around. Until he became a Runner.

You had just woken up and reach to your side to find Thomas gone. But you weren't surprised. You took a deep breath and forced yourself to get out of bed. He had been a Runner for about a week now and it didn't really affect you much but today was.. different. You felt a lot more tired today and had to force yourself to get ready and go out to the gardens.

When you got there, you didn't smile at people and greet them like you usually do. You just kept your head down. This made a lot of people cast concerned glances at eachother. Newt, being the caring person he is, slowly approached you and softly asked, "You alright, Y/n?" You just gave a slight, unconvincing nod and continued to keep your head down and work. Newt looked at you for a moment with concern before deciding it was best to leave you alone. He walked away but still kept a cautious eye on you, making sure you were okay because he knew Thomas would be upset if anything happened to you.


  YOU FINALLY FINISHED working in the gardens, and felt even more tired and drained than before. You had to hold in tears all day and finally let them fall when you got to your hut. You collapsed on the bed and cried and cried and cried until you couldn't take it anymore. You wanted- no. NEEDED a distraction from this internal pain. You could only think of one thing.

You reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a sharp knife from last nights dinner. Thomas was tired yesterday, so you brought him dinner in the hut and forgot to return the utensils and plate. But your grateful for that now. Tears still streaming down your face and sobs wracking through your body, you bring the knife down to your arm.

You make a cut. Then another. And another. It hurts so bad but feels so good at the same time.

I GOT OUT of the maze early today and decided to surprise Y/n. I'm on my way to our hut when I hear sobs and cries of pain. I furrow my brows as a worried expression quickly takes over my face. I run to our hut and swing the door open to see a sight that makes my heart drop to my feet. Y/n. Sitting on the bed. Crying. With a knife. And cutting herself. I freeze in shock for a moment before running over to her and grabbing the knife from her grip. I put it to the side and sit with her, cupping her face in my hands.

"What.." I begin, trailing off as I look at her condition. I have so many things running through my head. "What did you do.." I mumble, looking down at her arms. She starts crying harder. "I'm s-sor-rry.." She says between breaths and sobs. "Shh.. Come here..." I soothe, gently pulling her onto my lap. I wrap my arms tightly around her as I hold her close against me. I stroke her hair as she cries in my neck.

After a while, Y/n calms down. I decide it's safe to ask. "Why..?" I don't need to elaborate for her to understand. I hear her take a deep breath before saying, "I-it all just got too much and.. and..." I nod slightly in understanding and continue to stroke her hair as I speak. "Still. You should never, and I mean never turn to hurting youself. Do you understand me?" I says sternly, my voice cracking with emotion.

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