Perfection That I Need to Forget

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Chapter 18:

(Song for this chapter: Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer)


"We're going to play a song for you called Greenlight. I hope you guys like it." Michael says. After the guitar starts, the song, Calum starts to sing. He has a really good voice and I never really expected a singer out of him but I like it. It's different and beautiful.

A good dancer and a good singer. That's two in one day.

After Calum's part, Michael starts up. I really didn't expect this. But I also liked it.

Then it's Luke for the chorus. I didn't realize it at first but I'm biting down on my lip. He stares directly at me and sings. His voice is so angelic and beautiful. It's perfect.

I look back outside to the spot we were dancing at. I picture it all in my head. The butterflies I felt in the pit of my stomach because he wanted to dance with me. My hands shaking so bad when his laced in with mine. Then the comfort he brought me the moment we started dancing. The way our bodies were in sync with each other and the music. It was all great and memorable.

"Give me the greenlight.

We could have all night,

if you just say the words." Luke sings.

I'm mesmerized by the sound of his voice, even if it doesn't last that long and now it's back to Calum singing.

The song finally ends but I find myself still rocking back and forth to the beat of the music.

They play a couple more songs and end it with She Looks So Perfect, followed by End Up Here.

"When I wake up next to you,

I wonder how,

How did we end up here?" Luke sings, ending their mini concert. He looks at me one last time and winks.

Everyone cheers them on and when they finish with their "thank you's" and putting their instruments away, Luke comes down and approaches me. I smile, still biting down on my lip and he does the same, messing with the lip ring on his mouth. He's so fucking hot. How was I ever able to meet someone like him? I don't care how, I'm just glad I did.

He's now two feet away from me and I open my hands wide for a hug. He's walks faster and when he's directly in front of me, Luke pushes me to the side.

"Excuse me." He mumbles, pushing past me to someone behind me.

I turn around to see Nicole straddled onto his, whispering in his ear. A wide smile is plastered across his face. She looks at me with an evil glare. She looks at me with disgust and anger. Then she pulls Luke in for a long sloppy kiss.


I don't care. I tell myself. He's just a friend and this is the girl he chose to be with. Not me. It was never me. I'm just a friend. Just a friend. The dance didn't mean anything. The kiss didn't mean anything. All of it obviously didn't mean anything to him. Nothing.

Nothing at all.

My face flushes red with anger and embarrassment. How could I be so stupid as to think he would want to be with me? I storm off to where Calum is at. I grab his wrist and pull him away from the swarm of cheerleaders and populars he's with.

"What the hell Kiara?" He says.

"Shut up." I demand.

"Are you o-"

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