Auntie Baylee

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Chapter 58:


I step onto my college campus and I'm filled with amazement and awe. Everything is so new and I've never experienced anything like it before. I feel a twinge of discomfort as I walk along because I'm alone and I'm surrounded by this new environment with costumes that are different from my own. Despite my awkward self, I stand up straight and walk with confidence, signing myself in and getting the key to my dorm.

I wonder who my roommate is. I wonder if she'll like me. I wonder if-

I'm cut off by my thoughts when I notice I have arrived to my room, 717. Taking a deep breath, my shaking fingers latch onto the door nob but they don't my. My hand just stops there, holding on tightly but contemplating whether it's too late to walk away or if I should go in. It took me a while but I took a deep breath and pushed myself into that door.

Instantly, I'm encountered with a girl who's standing on the farthest back side of the room, all the way to the left. She's putting up what seems to be thousands of posters on her side of the room.

"I hope you don't mind! I kinda claimed this side of the room..." The girl says as she noticed my presence.

"Of course not," I chuckle, watching her short frame struggle to pin up the corner of the poster up. With one little jump, she's able to pin it down.

"All done," she whispers with accomplishment. She gets down from the bed she's standing on and faces me. "Hey, what's up. I'm Baylee."

"I'm Kiara, it's nice to meet you." I smile, walking in further to the room and dropping my bag down onto the available bed.

"Woah I love your accent! What are you, British?" Baylee says with excitement and curiosity.

"Yeah actually." I laugh, "yours is great too." She laughs at my comment and lays back into her bed.

"I'm not the one with the accent, actually. But thanks."

"Are you from California?" I ask her, trying to keep the conversation going.

"No Michigan." She briefly explains, curling up into her blanket in the process. "It's nothing super special but I like it."

I nod and look around at all the decorations she's already done. She has covered the section of her wall by her pillow with a collage of band posters. The rest of her wall is creatively placed together with different pictures and drawings all scattered around. It's beautiful and unique.

"I'm not ready to unpack!" I complain, thinking about all of the boxes I need to get down and bring into my room.

"Girly I haven't even started! All I did was decorate. I'm putting aside the unpacking for the very last step." Baylee confesses.

"Well, if we're gunna procrastinate, you wanna go and get food? I think I saw a Taco Bell along the way." I suggest and I watch as her face lights up with joy.


"What? Taco Bell?" I ask with confusion.

"Yeah, I can honestly eat there all the time." She giggles. I love her bubbly attitude and her pure joy.

"You have a great personality," I randomly point out.

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