Someone's a Little...Jealous?

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Chapter 63:



It all makes sense now. Noelle Hemmings. Kiara is dating the Luke Hemmings. The one I've fangirled so much over. The one with the angelic voice that could put you to sleep in a heartbeat. She's dating a new found, famous artist and never mentioned it.

I guess I understand but at the same time I don't. It's impossible for anyone to fully understand what another person is doing and why or how they feel. It's even more difficult to understand how someone could never mention the fact that their boyfriend happens to be in a band that's opening for One Direction. A band that we just saw in concert not to long ago.

We were all sitting and eating in silence when Noelle starts to cry. Kiara immediately gets up to grab her but Luke raises his hand to stop her.

"I'll do it," he mumbles, walking over to Noelle and taking her in his hands. He's so gentle and caring towards her but the expression on his face is so filled with emotions that it's almost so difficult to read.

He seems shocked, of course. And scared. Anxious and curious. But most of all, hidden deep within his face, there's regret.

"He's doing so well with her," Kiara whispers to me with relief and I think Luke heard her because his eyes widened for .2 seconds before going back to their normal position. And he stands up.

"I need to get some air." Luke says, walking towards the door.

"Oh." Is all Kiara says, before continuing. "You can leave the baby in her crib."

His next words shocked us all.

"Can I take her?"

Kiara's eyes widen. She's so shocked and isn't even making an attempt to hide it. After a couple of minutes she snaps back to reality and replies saying, "B-be safe. Please."

And just like that, he left. Right as the door shuts behind him, I look directly at Kiara.

"Tell me everything." She nods and motions for me to take a seat. Sure enough, she does. She tells me it all. From when before her sister left, to what happened when she did. Then how Kiara became this big slut and always wanted attention, to the move. From there she talked about how she still wanted that male attention in Australia and how she came to meet some boy she called Blondie. Then Luke strolled in. The breadstick turned her life upside down in the best way possible and months later, he leaves. She gives me all the details up until the point where she met me and I'm left, sitting here with my jaw dropped to the ground.

"Say something. Please Baylee."

But I don't know what to say. Instead I take her body and wrap it in my own, hugging her tight. I can feel her tears trickle down from her face and onto my bare shoulder. She sobs and her tears keep falling, some hiding my tank top and others sliding down my own skin.

She doesn't deserve this.


Im trying. I'm really trying so hard not to freak out right now. I wanted to slam the door and leave right when she said the baby was mine. I was mad. I was mad that she never told me. But more than that, I was mad that I wasn't there for her. For all of her months of pregnancy and for the time our baby has been alive.

Our baby.

The thought scares me. But I'm trying so hard to keep calm for Kiara. I can't freak out and go crazy when she's had to deal with this for a while now. I can't make her think that I want to leave her because I don't. I have to help her out. I took the baby and now we're in a cab, heading over to the hotel room I booked. I need to spend a little time on my own with this kid so that way I can gather my thoughts.

The cab stops in front of my hotel and I carefully make my way inside with the baby in my hands. I try to hide my face because I don't need paparazzi taking pictures and getting their own ideas about the situation.

When I'm in my room and lock the door behind me, I stare down at Noelle. She's so innocent and beautiful. Every now and then she'll squirm in my arms or let go of a little squeak noise, but for the most part she's quiet and sleeping.

I don't know what's going to happen between Kiara and I. I want to help her, I really do but I have a career now. I don't have a normal life and she has a chance at one. I'm scared for what all of this will lead to but I know I can't leave Kiara stranded with no support.

There's a knock on my room door and soon after, it's unlocked by the person on the other end. Calum stumbles in here and I mutter a hi before focusing back on Noelle. I had forgotten he tagged along and to be honest, I wish he hadn't. This is between Kiara and I, not him. I don't want to have to explain everything to him when I'm still figuring it out myself.

"What the f-"

"Don't say anything Cal." I snap. "She's my kid."

"With Kiara? Since when?"

"Apparently she's almost a month old," I say with a voice crack. "One fucking month."



"It's going to be okay"

"I just don't know."


"Talk." He says over the phone. His voice angry and serious.

"What are you talking about?" I growl. I wasn't expecting this at all. Especially not from him.

"Kiara. The baby. Talk. You knew! I know you knew!"

"That is none of your concern. If you really want to know ask Kiara."

"Fuck you Drew."

"Grow a dick first." And then I hang up.

Who does he think he is to be talking to anyone like that? This has nothing to do with him.

And suddenly, he calls back and angrily, I answer.

"What?" I snap, still raged.

"Drew please tell me what's going on!"

"Why? Why do you care? Why do you want to know so bad?" And then suddenly it hit me. It all made sense. "You still like Kiara don't you? Tell me I'm wrong Calum."

"Y-you're" he stutters. "You're wrong Drew."

"Sure I am," I roll my eyes. "If you want to know what happened so badly then talk to them. Not to me." And just like that, I hang up again.

I have way to many things to prepare for this wedding and I don't need to be dealing with Calum's jealousy shit. They've been together for months now and he's still hung up on her? This can't be right.



Just a few more chapters and this book is over WOAH

Thank you all for sticking to this book even though it's been crazy and disorganized and just all over the place.

~ but_whylove



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