A date with Meek

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Recap: Rihanna wants to get back with Drake so they can raise their child together. K Michelle is on life support so Damien, Safaree's son, is living with him now. KashDoll, Meek's artist, just finished her first show.

I'm at home watching tv, Meek said he would be here to pick me up around 8pm.
*vibrating phone* I look to see that Aubrey texted me.
Aubrey ~ can I come over real quick
Me - yea sure
~Okay I'm on my way.
I looked at the time.. Robert should be here soon.

"Hey Aub" I said as I opened the door for him.
"Hey Nika. I really need to talk." He came in and we sat down on the couch.
"What's up?"

"My ex wife wants to be back in my life-"

"You were married?"

"Yea, a few years ago but it didn't work out cause we were so young."

"Do you wanna get back with her?"

"I don't know, I know her but I wanna get to know you." He took my hand in his. I couldn't help but start blushing.

"Follow you heart Aubrey."

"Alright can you answer one question before I do?"


"Do you have feelings for me?"

"I don't kn.." his lips pressed against mine. We started having a tongue battle, I put my hands around his neck. The door bell rang, I pulled out of the kiss and got the door.

"H...eeyy... Robert." He was holding white roses.
"Hi gorgeous." I turned around and looked at Aubrey, he was staring at his lap. "Can I come in?"
"Give me one second." I shut the door.
"Aubrey I don't want to seem rude but you need to go."

"What's wrong?" I didn't want to lie to him but I don't really know what to say.

"One of my clients just got here and we're supposed to be going out to dinner." I said shyly.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later," he kissed my cheek.
"Can you go out the side door please?"
He laughed but did as I asked. After Aubrey was gone I opened the door for Robert.
"What was that about?" He asked.
"Nothing, come in." He handed me the roses, I went to the kitchen and put them in a vase.
"You ready to go?" I nodded my head yea and he took my hand and led me to his car. He opened the passenger door for me.
"I have reservations at Melíssa for us.. you ever been there?" He asked.
"No I haven't."
"Its a nice French place."
"So do you take all your girls here on a dates?"
"Nah your the first woman I'm taking here... I being my mom here everytime she visits." Aww that's cute, he doesn't seem like the type of guy to have a soft spot for his mom.
"Aw. Where's your mom live?"
"She's in Philly.. I just moved here a couple years ago actually." After he said that we pulled up at the restaurant. He got out and opened the door for me.
"Reservation for 2 under Williams." The hostess showed us to our table. I looked over the menu and picked out something that I've actually heard of.
"You ready to order Nicki?" He asked me, I looked up and said yea. He called the waiter over, we ordered our food.
"So I heard your Trinidadian is that true?"
"Yea it is... where'd you hear that from." I laughed.
"Uh a friend of mine said he knew you."
"Oh really? You've been talking about me huh?" I smiled softly at him.
"Nah I said I was going out with someone tonight and he asked who. I'm a Philly nigga, ion get soft bout dates." Here he goes with that cocky shit again.
"Mhmm... so Mr. Philly nigga, have you ever been in a committed relationship?"
"My longest relationship was a year and a half long... I was committed to that." Our food came and we started eating. "You like it?"
"Yea it's pretty good." After we ate he paid the bill and we left. One the way driving me back to my house he asked little random questions.
"Why you single?" He asked.
"Cause I'm focused on my work and trying to get ahead."
"Oh that's good, I like a determined woman." He put his hand on my thigh and started rubbing on it slowly, I was gonna remove it but this is the most action he's getting tonight. We pulled up to my house I opened the car door and he walked me too the front door.
"Goodnight Nicki." He said as I unlocked the door.
"Goodnight Meek. This was nice."
"You called me Meek.. your warming up to me." He smiled.
"Bye Robert." I tried to walk in my house, he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a kiss. I sucked on his plump lips, we started walking into my house as we kissed. We fell onto my couch, he lifted my dress and started to slide my thong off. I stopped him.
"Meek it's getting late, I'm kinda tired." He sat up and looked at me confused.
"Okay... I'll talk to you tomorrow." He gotta up and fixed himself. "Goodnight." I said as I walked him to the door.
"Yea, g'night." I went to my room, got in the shower. I got out and put a thong, bra, and some Victoria Secret pajama shorts on. I checked my phone to see I had some texted from Drake and a missed call from Safaree.
I texted him to see what's up.
Me ~ Hey Safaree, sorry I missed your call what's up?
After about ten minutes he texted me back.
Safaree - It's cool, I just wanted to see if you wanted to do something tomorrow.
~ yea sure, after 7 though because I have to work.
- Ok I'll see you tomorrow, gn
~ good night
I went to tried to go to sleep bit I couldn't stop thinking about Meek. He's not as bad as a guy as I thought he was, but Aubrey is such a sweetheart, and I'm feeling Safaree a little bit. I just don't know if I should be falling for Meek or if I should keep the relationship strictly professional.
Hope yall like this chapter.
Sorry for any errors.
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I think I'm gonna start updating this again even though I didn't finish Family Ties yet lol. Can yall do me a favor and check out my new book A New Love..

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