Chapter 19

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Me ~ you right lol.. you can hang with who you want. I was bugging. Just know you're my girl tho, I'm not sharing you.

I replied and put my phone in my pocket. I don't care what she has to say now. I made it clear what we are.

I'm at K's house picking up Damien. I keep him on the weekdays and she has him every weekend.

"Hey Safaree."

"Wassup K. How you doing?" I asked as I walked in the house.

"I'm good, what about you?"

"Umm just fine. Damien ready to go?" She looked at her phone.

"Actually I was about to take him out to eat... you wanna come with us and then you can take him afterwards?"

"Alright. That's fine." She went up the stairs to get Damien. My phone buzzed. I looked at the text.

Nicki ~ Hey Safaree. When you get a chance call me.
I put my phone back in my pocket. I'll call her when I get home.

"Dad!" Damien said as he ran down the stairs. I picked him up.

"Wassup lil man."

"Mommy said you going out to eat with us. You ready?" I nodded my head. He smiled. We walked out the house.

"K we can take my car so you don't waste your gas." I said as she walking to her car.

"Alright." I opened the door for her after putting Damien in his booster seat.

Im on my way home from work. After reading the text from Meek, I decided if I really easy to build a relationship with him built off trust then I really should cut ties to Safaree.

The only reason I should be seeing him is at work. So I'm just gonna have a discussion with him and let him know. We can't really be friends and we should only talk on a professional tip.

"Wassup Nic." Meek said as I answered the phone for him.

"Hey Meek."

"How was work?" He asked.

"Good. How about yours?"

"It was okay. I'm tryna do a mixtape." I pulled up at my house.

"Oh that's cool. I have good news for you."

"I'm listening."

"I'm gonna cut all ties to Safaree so we can have full trust in each other." I said.

"Ard that's wassup, I'm glad you decided to do that." After talking for a while I hung up. I got undress and layed down. Safaree finally called me. I explained everything to him. He sounded okay with it.

(A month later)
Me, Tak, and Omelly are going to some clubs tonight. It's Friday and I have appearances to make. Once we got the club, I performed a couple songs and went and sat down in the v.i.p section.

Tak let a few girls back here with us. I'm just tryna chill and do what I have to do to make this money. Nicki and I have been doing good so I'm not trying to do anything crazy.

"Hey handsome." Some lightskin girl, with pretty eyes and long hair said to me.

"Hi."iha said dryly just tryna be cordial.

"All I get is a hi?" She said laughing.

"I got a girl." I said so she could go away. She still stood in front of me tryna get her way.

"Okay and?" I looked up at her and shook my head after she said that.

"You really tryna fuck with me even though I already said I have a girl that's desperate as fuck." She flipped her hair and rolled her eyes.

"I'm not desperate, I just don't remember you being like this.." I looked at her confused. How does she know me.

"Well I'm tryna be faithful with this girl."

"Wow. I guess you're growing up." How does she know me. "You don't remember me, do you?"

"Nah... who are you?" She giggled s little bit. She took out her phone and showed me a couple pictures of her and I.

"Tokyo?" She smiled, I got up and hugged her.

"I haven't seen you in a minute. This is crazy." We use to date a while ago.

"I know right. When I saw Tak, I had to come see you." I laughed. "So who's this girl?"

"Her name is Nicki, she really beautiful. I really like her." After we talked for a while, we went our separate ways. Me and the guys went to the next club.

Im laying down in my bed watching Judge Judy on OnDemand. My bestfriends Sherika and Thembi just left. We were just hanging out and talking about life. I looked and the time. 1:45 am. Meek normally calls me by now and says goodnight. I texted him.
-goodnight babe, call me.

15 minutes pasted by and Meek textedme back.

Meek - goodnight baby, I'll call you tomorrow I'm at the club right now

I put my phone on the night stand and finished watching Judge Judy.
Hope yall like this.
Sorry for any errors.
I know it's kinda short.
Check out my other book. Holy Trinity: One Shots please.
Thanks for reading this.

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