Chapter 20

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(2 months later)
I'm at the studio working on some new shit for my next album. I gotta set up some stuff with Nicki and KashDoll tonight. My nigga Omelly walked in the studio.
"Wassup young bull." He said as he sat down on the couch.

"Nun, I'm just tryna finish up some beats."

"That new album finna be the shit. But Tokyo called me and was looking for you." I turned down my beats.

"For what?" I asked him confused.

"I don't know. She ain't say, she was just looking for you." He said as he looked at his phone.

"Oh ard. Well give her my number. But she better not be on some crazy shit cause me and Nicki good right now."

"Yall still ain't break up yet?" I laughed.

"Nah. We good. She special to me..." - GCO

"You becoming a simp. I guess good pussy do that too you."

"Chill. It's not like that."  I said shaking my head.

"Ard man. I'ma give Tokyo ya number though." He said as he got up off the couch.

"Ard bet." He walked out my studio and I went back to focusing on my music.

As soon as I got off work, I called Meek to see what the plans are too night. We try to go out every other night.

"Hey baby girl."

"Hey Rihmeek."

"What's up? How was work?"

"It was okay. Kinda a long day."

"You sound tired."

"I am. What are we doing tonight?"

"We got a meeting with Kash tonight

I forgot all about that meeting. I pulled up in my driveway.

"Oh yea... What time?"

"8:30 at my office."

"Okay see you in a little bit." He hung up and I unlocked my door to go inside.

I put my keys and jacket away and put my briefcase down beside the couch.

"I need a day off." I said to myself as I kicked off my heels and turned on the TV in the living room. I turned to Vh1 to watch Love & Hip Hop New York.
I got a phone call from my mom.

"Hey mommy."

"Hi Onika." she sounds like she's worried about something.

"What's wrong? You okay?"

"Yea Onika I'm fine.. I just need help raising Micaiah he's really been a handful."

"Ummm..." I really don't know what I can do for her. Of course I want to help her but I'm too busy to take care myself, let alone a 14 year old boy.


"Sorry mom. I was thinking, if you need Micaiah to stay with me for a week or two that's fine."

"Can he stay the rest of the school year? He's needs someone to discipline him."

"Okay mom that's fine. I'll come get him tomorrow as soon as I get off work."

"Thank you Nika. Love you."

"Love you too." I said before pressing end call.

(The next day)
I got up my normal time, 6 am and got in the shower for work. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night because of the meeting so I went past Starbucks.

As I was walking in I noticed Safaree in line, I walked past like I didn't see him. I just don't want us to have an awkward conversation, the way we ended was weird. After his sisters wedding we haven't talked.

"Hey Onika." I turned around and he was behind me.

"He..yyee.. Safaree-"

"Look it's no reason for it to be awkward between us. We had feelings for each other before that's cool but we are both happily dating someone." He's dating? I thought he was single.
'You're right. But I didn't know you were dating..." he laughed a little.

"Kimberly and I got back together... it's better for Damien anyway."

"Oh okay. How's Damien?" I miss his little adorable self.

"He's great. How you and dude doing?"

"Me and Rihmeek are doing fine.."

"That good. I'm happy for you." He grabbed his coffee. "It was nice seeing you Onika. Bye."

"Nice seeing you too Safaree." I said as he left. That was so awkward to me. He seemed so comfortable though. At least he's happy with Kimberly. And I'm happy with Meek I think.

After work I went to Meeks house to hang out.

"Hey baby." He said as he opened the door.

"Hey Rihmeek." I pecked his lips.

"What are you doing here?"

"I just came to hang with you." I said as he let me in the house.

"The boys were about to come over but you can stay if you want." We went in the living room and sat down.

"You can't tell the guys not to come over?" He looked at me and scratched his head.

"Nah.. we do this every Friday.. you don't wana stay?"

"I'm mean I guess I can stay. You gotta make some time for just us though."

"Ard I got you.. tomorrow its just us."

"Promise?" I asked him as I stuck my pinky out.

"I hate pinky promises but yea." He gave me his and then pecked my lips.

"Help me set up the cards and shit bae." He said as he walked to the dining room.

"Ugh okay." I followed behind him. It's gonna be a long night with him and his niggas. I got a call from my mom.

"Onika where are you? I thought you were coming to get Micaiah." Oh my gosh. I forgot completely about him. At least now I won't have to be here all night with Meek and his boys.

"I forgot all about that mom. I'm about to leave the city now to come get him." I'm meeting her at the airport in Vegas to pick him up cause she's there on one business trip.

"Meek I gotta go. See you later."

"Dang already?"

"Yea I gotta go get my brother."

"Oh ard. Well see you. Call me, okay?"

"Okay." He walked me to the door, gave me a kiss and then I left to go pick of Caiah. Hopefully he's not as much of a handful as my mom says.

Hope yall like this.
Sorry I haven't updated this lately.
I've been really busy with school and stuff. But I'm gonna try to start updating more.
Sorry for any errors.
Thanks for reading. Vote and Comment please. ☺☺

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