Chapter 10

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Kylie's POV

I wake up the next morning with a throbbing headache. "Oww, what the heck." I say sitting up in a room, and a bed that clearly isn't mine. "What happened?" I say to myself, but someone answers that question.

"You got to drunk, took you to my house, threw up in my trash can I had to clean you up." Tyler says, putting a glass of water and an advil on the nightstand. I smack my hand on my head. "I'm so sorry." I slide my hands over my face, feeling ashamed.

Tyler sits down on his bed, "No, it's okay. I liked taking care of you." He says. I feel a lump form in my throat. I blush pretty hard and I think Tyler notices. "Look, what happened at the party, I didn't mean to do that, I was just tired of being in a loop with you." He says, getting up, to close the door.

I agree, but I don't say that allowed to him. "I don't know what's going on with me, I love Rachel, but something with you-us I just feel more." I admit, why did I just say that?! Tyler stops in his tracks, looking at me. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said-" I almost say, but before I get the words out, Tyler crashes his lips to mine. I let him, and soon I'm kissing him back.

One of my hands glide over his stomach, I could feel his abs sticking out from underneath. I get goosebumps. Tyler pulls me close with one hand on my waist and deepens the kiss. He also needs me.

Suddenly, I realize what I'm doing and I push away quickly. What have I done?

Tyler looks worried, like I might vomit again. "Kyls, what's wrong?" He asks, taking my hands in mine, but I push them away. "What have I done? What...I can't believe I did this.." My lips are trembling. Tears are stinging out of my eyes. Tyler tries to walk over to me again, but he should never do that. "We...this." I point to both of us. "Can't happen anymore. I need to get out." I say, grabbing my shoes and walk out of his room.

I know Tyler is right behind me, "Please, don't walk away, we can be great together. You said it yourself, you feel something more for me. Let me be with you." He pleads, but I can't take it. I shake my head and walk out the front door.

Once I'm out there, I run to my house, tears falling quickly.

I get to my house, fumbling with the keys to unlock the door.
Once I make it in, I see that the house is completely trashed.
Champagne bottles broken, people's underwear just lying around, and a bunch of plates with food, all over the floor.

I sighed, why?!

I took my heels off and threw them in the bin next to the front door.
Then I grabbed a few trash bags and started to pick up all the trash that was left there.
My parents are going to be mad if they see one speck of dust.

2 hours later.....

Knock knock

I take off my headphones, "Can't I just get a few more minutes of peace and quiet" I said to myself.

I went up to the door and opened it. It was Rachel.
I don't think she can tell how hard it is to see her right now. I just cheated on someone I love very much.
You know what I'm not even going to tell her anything, it'll make this a whole lot easier.

"Hey babe," I say, hugging her.
"Hey Kylie, how are you feeling? Did Tyler do anything to you while I wasn't there?" She said coming inside my house.
"I'm fine, and no, Tyler didn't do anything to me, trust me." (Yes he did, you both did, cheater).

I grabbed one of the trash bags and put them to the side so she could sit on the bar stools.

"Okay good, I was worried there for a second. But I trust you." She says, and kisses my cheek.

I gave her a small smile and started to pick up all the trash bags and throw them in the dumpsters out front.

A few hours later......

Rachel and I were hanging out in my room watching TV when the garage door opened. Finally, my parents are here.

"I should get going now, babe its getting late. But I'll see you tomorrow at school." She says, putting her shoes on.

"Okay, I love you." I say.
"I love you too." She says, grabbing her things and leaving out the front door.

When Rachel left, I walked downstairs and saw my mom and dad in the kitchen.

"Hey guys, how was the romantic getaway?" I asked, immediately regretting the choice of words.
"It was good, me and your dad had a great time away," she says. "We should do it more often." She continues, looking at my dad.
"Okay, I get it. Gross." I said, fake gagging.

We all walked into the living room, and I made sure there were no more beer cups or vomit stains on the carpet.
"How was the party? Did everyone have fun?" My dad asks, looking around the room.
"It was really fun, and yes everyone had a great time," I said.
"Amazing to hear, well I and your mother are going to unpack, in the mean time, you can hang out at Tyler's house if you want. His mom said you can come over." My dad says, getting up and taking my mom's hand.

I started to feel hot and a bit flushed. I definitely don't wanna go over there, ever again.
"Oh okay," I said as calmly as possible.

My parents grabbed their luggage and walked upstairs.
The clammy, sweaty feeling hadn't gone away yet, so I walked upstairs as well and went to my room.

My room even felt got as well, what was happening to me? I need to open a window or something.
Wait no, I can't, Tyler will look into my room like the creep he is.
What do I do?
Why are the walls all of a sudden feeling as if there closing in on me?
My breathing is becoming shallow, I can't breathe. I'm dying.

Help me!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05 ⏰

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