Chapter 7

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"Did you find a job yet?" Anne asked her son as she made some tea

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"Did you find a job yet?" Anne asked her son as she made some tea.

"I only applied to three jobs, I don't think either will accept a pregnant man," James frowned.

"And why is that?" Anne asked.

"Well, because I'll be getting moody and I won't be able to work half the time since I have to be dealing with this bump getting bigger," James said.

"Aren't you excited that your showing? I mean, that's all you've been talking about. It seems like Net wouldn't keep his hands off the bum either."james chuckled, "I know, he's just as excited, but how will I be able to care for a baby if I don't have a job? Net has to already train and attend football matches, he won't have time for a job."

Anne poured the tea in two cups and handed one to her son. "Well, he can train. What if he goes to the practices in the mornings to make up for the afternoon? Maybe he can go to work and then go to practice."

"That's the thing, mum. Net has to be in the practices in the morning and I'm the afternoon. If he wants to get a full football scholarship, he needs to practice," James admitted.

"Well, plans changed, Hun. You both are having a baby and a baby is a full responsibility. Sometimes being a parent means giving up things you want the most," Anne shrugged.

"But he still has the right to be able to play football, does he?" James asked."Of course he does, but he has to put the baby first. He needs to get a job and you do too. Jay and I already decided we will help meanwhile you both work and earn money for the three of you guys. I'm sure your friends will be able to help around too if they'd want."

James sighed. Already ten weeks through the pregnancy and he isn't really happy for the outcome. He can't be focused on school unless he knows that he has a plan on taking care of his baby. He knew from the start that having a baby will be such a hard thing, especially when they are both high school seniors.

The year has just got started and when it does end, people will only remember james as the boy who got pregnant by the captain of the football team. It isn't a bad thing, but it isn't a good thing either.When he wants to be remembered, he wants to be remembered on doing something good for others, or maybe himself. Maybe he can be a really good photographer, or a really good cook. He doesn't know, but he's just scared that in every single picture he's in, in the yearbook will be of him pregnant.

Yeah it's common for teenagers to get pregnant, but he just feels stupid that they didn't have protected sex.

Having a baby can bring people closer, but james isn't prepared to raise a child. No parent really was, but he has to do whatever he can. He's applied to three jobs, all of them sort of being the same. He was hoping that he will be able to work at the cute little bakery down the block. It's easy for him to get there and it pays decent too.Just once he gets his diploma, he will be able to find a job that's a bit more better then that, but he will take whatever he has.

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