Prologue II - Bad Coding.

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Last time, Lucinia taught Belle a new speedrunning trick on Ultra Jump Mania for the red headed lady to use it, with the intention to spare a few seconds, so she could achieve the world record of said game. Before the younger girl could manage to give it a test, both were interrupted with Masa coming to their room to get Belle at press conference. Luce, on the other hand, haven't been invited by her boss to join.

Free from the conference, but still saddened, she has arrived at Doctor James Sheridan's lab to help him once more on his project, codenamed "Blue". Sher is one step closer to finish it completely. Luce is happy to be a helping hand to him, even if it is the reason of her absence to hang out with her friends too. Although, there is still information needed to be explained.

Sheridan has done a sort of VR Headset that captures the neurons of the wielder, and projects an image of the player into the game they are playing at the moment, when they start to feel themselves into said game. Albeit, there are things that have not been told about this project, neither if it is only this gadget he has finished. Health-based machinnery, and parallel projects, that somehow, co-relate with Blue. What is Sher up to?

Sooner than the believable estimative, questions are about to be answered.



It's passed an hour since Lucinia has successfully Warped herself inside Ultra Jump Mania as test subject for Sheridan's NTH (neuro-transporter headset). Having interacted with Coconut Boy, she has become friends with the character, and followed him to finish the level alongside the green haired kid. Managing to finish the level, she returned to the real world, through blinking her eyes for a few seconds, her fully glowing puple eyes fading to her normal scleras, and grey-ish brown irises. Having awakened back to reality, she looked for Sheridan, noticing that he was doing something else whilst she was playing.

Sheridan was busy on another desk, looking like reassembling another CPU. Looking at his work PC again, through the second monitor, she noticed he closed those files of criminal records, and the old footage. That action whilst "AFK" confirmed her theory he clumsily exposed those by accident, and closed them back, when he was sure she 'didn't' see those yet.

However, she had a good memory of what were these, and who were the criminals he, somehow, had the files of their flaws. In appearance, and listing of misdemeanors? She did have everything in mind.

And one of them was unlikely to have done something, for her. Although the behavior of the one she have seen, and apparently knew who was, the lady preferred to not say anything related to them, knowing it may be a framing case, in her theory. But still, they were very convincing to make look like the one who she knew actually did those. Very intriguing.

However, there were other two, listed in the documents, whom Lucinia had minimum to no knowledge of who they were, besides the fact they looked similar in face, and ported a trademark-like facial feature. And one of them looked lightly leaner than the other.

Trying to not overthink about it, she pretended that just returned back to reality, and then, asked: — Whoa. Am- am I back again? Wow... that was quite a trip.

Having heard the woman, Sheridan halted the re-assembling process of the CPU, and welcomed Lucinia back to reality: — Hey, hey, Luce! You're back! You have absolutely no idea of how I am happy with this! — Said him, returning to face her, and approaching the girl, to help her rest her mind, after the quite adrenaline-pumping travel through "another dimension". — So, are you alright? How did it go?? Did you feel actually in there?

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