Vilequesse Child

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Lord Vile shadow walked a screaming Darquesse into an empty warehouse. She hugged her round stomach, feeling that their baby will soon be born.

Vile hurriedly sent shadows onto the floor, creating a large shadow bed on the floor. He carefully laid Darquesse down onto the shadows and laid her legs into a position where the baby would not be harmed when it is born.

*two hours later*

Lord Vile sat on the floor with Darquesse sitting in between his legs, cradiling their newborn daughter, Zoe. They had wrapped her in Darquesse's jumper.

"She looks beautiful." Darquesse whispered.

"Just like her mother." Vile smiled.

Zoe lay in Darquesse's arms, her smile warm and her soft, wispy hair a dark brown. Her eyes, however, were like a light blue sky.

"What colour were Skulduggery's eyes? When he was alive."

Vile tilted his head, "Exactly like Zoe's."

Darquesse smiled, then frowned, "What will they do to her. Once we go away."

"Zoe is technically Skulduggery's and Valkyrie's daughter too. I doubt they would do anything."

Darquesse turned to face Vile and he held her chin. They leaned in and kissed.

Valkyrie and Skulduggery withdrew from each other and looked down at their daughter. And they smiled.

Valkyries stomach looked like she was still pregnant but she knew that that would go away soon... Then she felt something small kick her stomach. And then she started to scream, clutching her belly.

Skulduggery took Zoe and carefully put her on the floor. He picked a panting Valkyrie up, placed her flat on the floor and lifted her legs.

They were having twins.

*two hours later*

Their son wailed as Skulduggery wrapped him in his jacket. He tilted his head. He looked exactly like him. A square jaw, light brown hair, light blue eyes and tanned skin.

He looks exactly like you.

"I know that."

They both look beautiful. I'm proud of us.

"Me too."

What do you want to call him? Darquesse and Valkyrie named Zoe.

"How about my given name?"


"Why not? He looks exactly like me after all."

Ok then. Zoe and Michael.

Valkyrie held Zoe in her arms, "What's his name?"

Skulduggery turned and sat next to her, "Michael. After my given name."

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