3: Hunting Palismen

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Things were much the same since your little mission in the ocean, you were a little disappointed that you weren't sent out on any more missions but, such is the life of the Silver Scout. This month you'd gotten a report of the new Abomatons made by the Blights, apparently they were weak enough to be taken down by their daughter Amity, you were slightly proud of your student. You'd gone to see the next private sale with Hunter, you were surprised to see Luz the Human in the showcase but happy to see her get beaten by the Blight's weaponry. 

Then Amity and Luz fought the Abomiton 2.0 together (which worried you because you didn't want your student hanging out with a delinquent like her) and you could see her improvement. When you cheered for her, Hunter definitely gave you some killer side-eye behind the mask. They let the Abomiton 2.0 win in the end but it was still a powerful weapon. 

After the showcase, you secured a private deal for the emperor on the Abomitons, and the next few days, you had reports of strange pillars of light and beasts in the sky, you sent a few troops to check that out. Then something about the looking-glass ruins and you let Adrian deal with that. 

A few more combat lessons with Amity that lasted shorter than usual (It felt like she was pulling away from you, or at least the coven, it concerned you a bit.) and some reports from general patrols rounded out your month. 

Today you and Hunter were attending a meeting between the Coven heads. You and Hunter flank the Emperor on either side. As Kikimora comes in she tries to squeeze in between you and your uncle before giving up and falling in beside you. 

You see a coven scout snicker before getting nudged by the one next to them. You'll have to talk to them later about respect but, you'll be a little lenient, it is Kiki afterall

The brazier is lit and the Coven heads file in around it.

"The approaches, where we'll celebrate the purification of under the coven system, just as intended. As heads of the nine covens, we celebrate your efforts to complete this plan. For this, you have earned a glimpse of the reward that awaits." Kiki introduced

"Step forward," Belos says

The coven heads each take off their badge and place them into the braizer and it begins to swirl and shift until a large blue fire erupts. You look at the coven heads and see that all their eyes seem to glow white. 

You wish you could see what they see, maybe then you would understand why your uncle does the things he does...  What great plan he's working toward...

What are you thinking? of course, the Emperor has a reason for all his actions. You shouldn't have anything but faith in your Uncle. He's the Emperor! You're lucky to have the position you do. 

You should never want for more than what you have.

"The larger your covens grow, the more power we have to unite our realms," Belos explains "where the worthy shall inherit a utopia free of wild magic." 

He suddenly groans and grabs his side in pain, shaking, oh no, not this again...

You and Hunter both grab one of his arms and help him enter the back chamber, Kik of course tries to fall in behind you, "No. Stay here. We can handle this alone." Hunter states. You can feel her eyes glaring at you as you help the emperor out of the room.

Hunter closes the door as Belos keeps his hand firmly on your shoulder as you guide him further into the room. 

He keels over, mask breaking on the floor as you kneel next to him to keep him stable, it hasn't been this bad in a while. 

Once his body gurgles and spasms, you slowly back away knowing the dangers of getting too close to him like this. He morphs into the monster you've seen too many times to count and begins beating the wall, dirtying it with the sludge that comprises him. You turn away, going to get a palismen from the reserves. You can't bear to look at him like this. 

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