Side Chapter

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Kayia POV

For the next two weeks I have been in heaven! Every morning, she would call me to wake me up. The sound of her ringtone in the morning was nice but the sweet sound of her voice calling me baby is the best part of my morning! 

We would spend almost all of our free time together and really get to know each other. 

Some days with the whole group for our projects, other days I would take Chaeyoung on a date to be alone. I would only drive my car to school when her and I would do something after so I could keep her safe. 

When we didn't have any plans, I would still use my bike. I haven't taken her on my bike yet because she had told me she was a little nervous and I haven't had the time to get her a helmet.

At school, our physical touches became more of a habit. At first, we were nervous to try it and see if the other would respond. After the first couple days we would hold hands a lot, and hug randomly. My arm is almost always around either her neck or her waist, but if it was around her neck her arm is around my waist. I even started putting my hand on her lower back when trying to guide her. 

All of that has become more and more a comfortable thing, except for kissing. 

We haven't kissed since our first kiss at the club, but it was actually kind of nice that we didn't and just be that cute couple trying to win each other's hearts. I told her that maybe we can leave the real kissing as a reward for when we become official. Although she agreed, I have been struggling this whole time trying not to cave it and hoping she would too. 

I want to win our little bet, but it's getting more and more difficult each day. 

She would kiss my cheek sometimes when we hugged, and I always kissed her knuckles when greeting or saying goodbye. This is the one gesture I will never stop doing because she informed me that she loved it, and her ex never did these things for her.

I actually have noticed that dude around sometimes and I would get more possessive when I notice him looking. Rosie caught him staring at us a couple times. I would either bring Rosie closer to me, or make her laugh, something that showed him she was mine now. As much as I want to kiss her in front of him, I am still a gentleman and promised her we will kiss all the time when we are actually girlfriends. 

Call me a demon but he needed to know to never come near her ever again. I kept it to myself because I didn't see her needing to know. However, my boys and I noticed him trying to fight me with his eyes and facial expressions. If he wants to fight me physically, I'll be ready.

Between the eight of us, we all have gotten so close with each other that the girls let us join them in their side of the classroom. Our boy line faded when I would sit with Chaeyoung to my left and Matt on my right with Cyrah to his right. Then behind us, Jordan sits at the end on Jisoo's left then Jennie and Lisa. During classes we would actually pay attention because we were all really good students. 

However, during break time, we would go outside to a set of tables that Matt and I found one day just to be wild and ourselves. After school we would either go to the ramen shop to eat and study or we would have to go straight home for work or whatever life made us do. Although life likes to be both mysterious and unpredictable, no matter the situation, I would always text her.

Couple times we've gone to the mall to hangout, I've called Ryujin and Yeji to come with. It was cute to see Yeji cling onto Lisa and Ryujin getting shy asking Jennie if she wanted something. At first, I thought that it was because maybe they felt that Jennie and Lisa were left out not having a partner, but then I began to realize my own sisters liked them. I thought about this group that I have going on and it made me really happy to have them around, these people weren't just my friends, they were becoming my family. We are always laughing and having a good time with each other. I had forgotten that there was something really important coming up.


Chaeyoung POV

I loved being around Kaiya. It did make me realize that I missed being in a relationship. Very rarely she would ask questions about Jimin, and I would answer them truthfully. I didn't want her to feel jealous about me talking about him with her, but she proved that she wasn't and more so possessive instead.

I would always catch Jimin looking at us when we're in the halls at school and not only do I glare at him, but she does to. Her dominate features really hit me. I always want to just grab her face and kiss her like she did at the club, but we talked about it. I wanted to make it official so bad by this point, but I really wanted to win that bet that I made. And with the looks of things, I have a feeling I am going to lose big time.

These last two weeks felt like the time of my life! Even when I wasn't around Kaiya, I felt like I was getting even closer to my sisters if that was even possible.

Jennie shared that she has been having the hots for Ryujin since we've met. The outgoing, go getter Jennie Kim was always so shy when Ryujin came around to hang out with us. I have a felling Kaiya has been doing it purposely for Jennie's sake. 

Which then comes to Lisa. She has been shy most of her life but will never back down from a fight. Very much like my girl. But Lisa becomes most timid around Yeji. Yeji is the social butterfly and loves being around us, but she clings to Lisa like they have been dating already. getting Lisa to admit that she likes this little bundle of joy was tough, but it finally happened.

Jisoo has had many nights of playing video games with Jordan, Matt and Khai. She hated playing alone and would often ask us to play but we'd get mad when she beats us. Now that she's met someone that play's similar games, she's been falling little by little each day. She knew that if she wanted to date Jordan, then she would have to do it herself.

Cyrah on the last hand dealt, definitely likes Matthew. She never admitted to us but it's there and we all know it but the one that needs to know. Matt is more oblivious to the crush that Cyrah has because he is to ingulfed in his own crush.

Within two solid weeks, we became a family.

It sucked for Jennie and Lisa because Ryujin and Yeji went to a different school, but we saw them every other day or so.

The only thing that I found a little weird was that I have not been invited to Kaiya's place yet. I do know she has her own apartment and I have been dropping her hints for me to see it. However, I have a feeling she is trying to be a gentlewoman and not bring me there until we are serious, and things will get pretty spicy by the end of the night.

But I guess that'll come soon because this weekend, just might kick start to the next level or our relationship.

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