It Might Not Be Real!

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A shareholder said solemnly and earnestly.

It was as if Shivam's matter was a sign of Pratap Group's destruction.

They couldn't accept this no matter what.

"Will my private life affect my working state? Did the share price fall? Is the entire company's current situation worrying? Or is this just because you can't stand something and are treating it as a great enemy?" Shivam asked.

No one spoke for a moment.

Of course, there were no bad effects yet. Even the share price had returned to normal after a slight dip. It was hard to say that it had been affected by the incident.

Naturally, they were only trying to persuade him because they couldn't accept this matter and thought it was too perverse.

Therefore, they felt that it was necessary to get Shivam back on track.

"But Mr. Pratap, this kind of thing is completely inconsistent with our ancestor's teachings. Besides, it's simply unorthodox and doesn't conform to the mainstream. Even if it's not related for the time being, we'll definitely suffer a backlash later!"

Shivam snorted coldly. These old shareholders were always like this. When they encountered something, they didn't look at the problem from a fair and objective perspective. Whenever they didn't like something, they would force things to work their way.

It was like that at work, and it was also like that in one's personal life.

He said, "I have my own conclusions on this matter. Hari issued a statement asking everyone to not pay attention to my private life and pay more attention to the company's development on the company's official Twitter account. Everyone's orientation is worthy of respect."

"That last part isn't very nice, is it?" said the secretary next to one of the shareholders.

There wasn't much for a secretary to do on an occasion like this. He only said that because he was disgusted with men liking men.

Shivam looked at him and asked, "Then what do you think is good?"

"What is there to respect about men liking men?" he blurted out.

Shivam sneered. "I'm also not interested in affairs between men. But I don't think that one's private life and orientation should be discussed and judged by others. I also don't think that others are not worthy of respect and deserve to get their rights and freedom stripped. For the same reason, what you think is arsenic is something that others are willing to accept. Is there a problem, then?"

The secretary bowed his head at this.

Among the other secretaries, there were occasionally one or two who liked people of the same sex. It was just that they had never laid it out on the table. When they heard Shivam criticizing such people, they were really satisfied.

The neutrals may not support the cause, but they respected other people's preferences and were very convinced by Shivam's words.

Shivam glanced around. "Or do you want to eliminate all the things you can't stand? Today, you can't stand men being with men. Tomorrow, you can't stand that the company's development is not as expected. Are you going to overdo it?"

Everyone bowed their heads. Now even the shareholders were silent.

Hari had already quickly gotten the people from the public relations department to log into the official Twitter account and post a statement: [Thank you for your concern about the personal affairs of our group's CEO, Mr. Pratap. However, Mr. Pratap is not from the entertainment industry and is unwilling to be involved in scandals. Please pay more attention to the operations of our group and give Mr. Pratap some freedom in his personal life. At the same time, Mr. Pratap wishes to tell everyone that everyone's orientation is worthy of respect.]

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