Humans Can Lie, But Machines Don't

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Seeing his father suffer, Tapas Pratap was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. Tinki pulled him back. "Don't interfere."

"Shivam is too much!" Tapas Pratap had always admired his father, but his father was treated like this by Shivam!

How could he take this lying down?

"Mom said that it's important to return to the Pratap family first. Otherwise, there'll be a lot of trouble in the future." Tinki stopped him.

Tapas Pratap could only give up for the time being, but he was very upset with Shivam. They were both grandchildren of the Pratap family. Why should he be high and mighty while he had to suffer all kinds of hardships? Did he even need to get permission to return to the Pratap family?

The venom in his eyes lingered.

"The old man is here!" someone shouted.

Everyone looked up the stairs, but Old Madam Pratap was so angry that she did not want to look at him.

Old Master Pratap was still hale and hearty. The custom-made suit made him look even more dignified and upright. He walked slowly from the second floor to the hall.

Yash Pratap was delighted. "Dad!"

"Grandpa," Tapas Pratap and Tinki greeted him at the same time.

Old Master Pratap walked into the hall and swept his gaze over everyone. He spoke slowly, his voice steady and strong, "Everyone, I'm sure everyone knows what's going on. My unfilial son, Yash Pratap, left the Pratap family in his early years and was removed from the genealogy. Now, he's repented and wants to return to the family."

They all nodded.

"At first, I didn't agree. However, the Pratap family's bloodline is ultimately the Pratap family's bloodline. If they wander outside, it'll be a disgrace to the entire family. Therefore, I agreed to let them return."

Everyone nodded in agreement. The Pratap family was a big family. As members of the family, they naturally had to obtain their rightful identities. Otherwise, everyone would lose face.

Old Master Pratap continued, "I invited everyone here today to be witnesses. I want Yash Pratap to bring his children to acknowledge their ancestors and enter the Pratap family's genealogy."

One of the elders asked, "To enter the Pratap family's genealogy, one has to have the bloodline of the Pratap family. Old Master, has the matter been made clear?"

Old Master Pratap waved his hand, and the butler brought over two documents. He handed them to the elder who had asked the question first.

Those two documents were naturally the DNA test reports of Tinki and Tapas Pratap.

The elder took it in both hands, examined them, nodded, and passed them to the next person.

In a moment, everyone had finished reading the two documents.

The butler took back the two documents and stood aside.

Tinki's clenched fists slowly relaxed, and her expression was no longer tense.

Only then did Old Master Pratap say, "As everyone has seen, these are the test reports I asked Dr. Chauhan to do."

Dr. Chauhan was a doctor that Old Master Pratap trusted very much. He had worked for the Pratap family for many years. Since he was the one who ran the tests, no one had any questions.

"Butler, bring me the genealogy," Old Master Pratap said.

The butler put down the documents, picked up the genealogy with both hands, and held it in front of Old Master Pratap.

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