What are the Pillars of Islamic Character?

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"And you are truly ˹a man˺ of outstanding character"
[Surah Al-Qalam 68:4]

And indeed, you are of a great moral character

(Surah Al Qalam, Verse 4)

The above verse is a testimony of Allah that Prophet Mohammed ﷺ was blessed with a remarkable character that influenced every segment of the society.


The Arabic term for character is khulq and Akhlaq is plural of khulq. According to Islamic scholars, Akhlaq includes the methodology of a person while meeting his fellow human beings, his financial transactions, his social and personal dealings. It also covers his attitude, reasoning and speech etiquette. Akhlaq has two broad categories, and the Arabic terminology titles them as; Akhalq e Husna, a beautiful character, and Akhlaq e Sayyi'ah, a bad character.


According to Imam Tirmidhi, a noted scholar of Hadith, the early Muslim scholars concluded three pillars that establish a good character.

Bastul Waj'hi

Kaf'ful Ada

Bad'rul Ma'roof.


Bastul Waj'hi is to meet and greet people with a smiling face. A smile gives an indication that you are happy to meet the person. It leaves a strong impression of your cheerful personality and good conduct upon people, which will ultimately lead them to appreciate you.

Prophet ﷺ said:

"Meeting your brother with a cheerful smile is also registered as a charity by Allah."

(Tirmidhi 1956)

Kaf'ful Ada stands for not causing harm to anyone; either verbally, physically, emotionally, in writing, or through our dealings.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was asked, "Which aspects of Islam are the best?" He replied,

"To prevent yourself from harming people by your tongue and hands."

(Sunan Ibn Majah 2340)

Bad'rul ma'roof is causing benefit to the people and the rest of the creations of Allah ﷻ too. It can be done through your efforts, money, skills, knowledge and various other modes.

Prophet Mohammed ﷺ excelled in each of the above categories and that is why the Qur'an testified his noble character.


We all strive to be moral people with good character.

Inside each of us is a moral compass, understanding and acknowledging what is good and what is evil.

Lying is wrong!

But if we rely on ourselves alone, what we think is moral becomes a preference, and preferences are tossed out when they become inconvenient.

I really need this job. No one

will know if I exaggerate

my experience here...



at what I do...

Islam is founded on a clear moral code, so you cannot fulfill the core elements of faith without also having good character.

Let's take a look at the five pillars to see how closely Islam and good character are linked.

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