⊹₊ Italian food and Bob Ross₊⊹

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It was the team's first day off in a while, and Adeline found herself at a loss for what to do. She sat in her apartment, aimlessly staring at her phone. She tried calling her step-dad, but he didn't answer. He was probably at work. With a sigh, she glanced around her sparsely decorated living room. The few friends she had in the area were busy, leaving her to her own devices.

Deciding to make the most of her free time, Adeline started tidying up her apartment. She wiped down all the surfaces, scrubbed the bathroom until it gleamed, and gave the kitchen a thorough cleaning. She emptied the refrigerator of any expired food, making a mental note to go grocery shopping soon. After a couple of hours, the apartment was spotless, and she was once again grappling with boredom.

Looking out the window, Adeline noticed the sun was shining brightly. It seemed like a perfect day to go outside. She quickly changed into a comfortable outfit, grabbed her keys, and headed out. The fresh air hit her face as she stepped onto the street, instantly lifting her spirits.

She decided to take a walk to the nearby park. It was a beautiful space with lush green lawns, vibrant flower beds, and a small pond where ducks floated lazily. As she strolled along the winding paths, she felt her restlessness begin to fade. The sound of children playing, birds singing, and the gentle rustle of leaves created a soothing symphony.

Adeline decided to stop in the local coffee shop. She waited patiently in line to make her order. Once she had ordered a drink and a muffin she sat by the window, watching the world go by. So many people passed her that she'd likely never see again.

Just then, she felt a presence sit in front of her. Looking up, she saw the familiar face of Spencer Reid.

"Addie," he said with a warm smile, "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Hey Spence," she replied, a bit surprised but happy to see him, "I didn't expect to see you either. What brings you here?"

He shrugged, his usual awkward yet endearing demeanour on full display. "This is the coffee shop I told you about the other day. With the good muffins. I was going to go to the Smithsonian. There is a lecture on the Recent Advances in Forensic Anthropology"

Adeline's interest was piqued. "That sounds fascinating. Who's giving the lecture?"

"Dr. Jane Sullivan. She's one of the leading experts in the field. I've read a lot of her work, and I'm really excited to hear her speak in person," Spencer replied, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "Would you like to join me?" Spencer asked, a redness appearing in his cheeks.

Adeline smiled warmly. "I'd love to. It sounds like it'll be really interesting."

Spencer's smile widened, and they finished their coffee and muffins while chatting about the basics of anthropology and other topics of mutual interest.

Together they made their way to the Smithsonian, Adeline enjoyed Spencer's company and appreciated his extensive knowledge on a wide array of subjects. It wasn't often that she talked to him outside of a case. She enjoyed letting him ramble about all of his facts and statistics.

Upon arriving at the Smithsonian, they made their way to the lecture hall, which was already filling up with people. Spencer found them seats near the front, providing a perfect view of the stage. Adeline felt a surge of anticipation as Dr. Jane Sullivan took her place at the podium.

The lecture was captivating. Dr. Sullivan's insights into recent advancements in forensic anthropology were both informative and engaging. She discussed new techniques and technologies that were revolutionising the field, providing detailed case studies to illustrate their impact. Adeline was particularly intrigued by the ways in which these advancements could be applied to their own work.

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