Time By Your Side

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Without a second more of hesitation my teeth sank into his flesh, his whole body shuttered as his arms wrapped tightly around me. His moan echoed in my ear as I slowly removed my fangs from his neck, I looked at the spot my teeth had just marked. I swallowed softly before I leaned in and licked the bite mark, I could feel the skin already healing under my tongue. We were both breathless and trembling in eachothers arms, in the next moment we had turned and I was now on the desk. Shane leaning over me before taking my lips with his, pushing me back so that I was laying on the desk. His hands moved down my sides stopping at my hips, his fingers gripped my hips tightly pulling me towards him slightly. A soft sound left my mouth only to be muffled by his, my mind began to go fuzzy and I couldn't really think rationally. His lips left mine moving down my neck before I felt his teeth against my neck, I inhaled sharply I felt my body arch slightly. One of his hands slowly snaked its way under my shirt, finding its way to grip my breast. He pulled away from me for a moment as he started lifting my shirt...

                  "Hey the moving truck's here!" I froze as a voice rang out from behind the closed door, I looked at Shane who had seemed to freeze too. His eyes darkened as he glanced at the door, slowly he fixed my shirt and moved towards the door. My heart was thumping loudly against my chest, what were we about to do in my father study! I sat up moving to get off my dad's desk, my face flushed with embarrassment.

Shane opened the door but only enough to see who was standing out there, the person couldn't see in with how Shane had positioned himself. I was grateful I was sure I looked a mess, my clothes were wrinkled and I could bet that my lips were swollen. Not to mention the love bites and hickeys that Shane had give me. I recognized the voice of the person on the other side of the door, it was Ray! My face turned a redder shade, I just wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear... This was so embarrassing for my cousin to have interrupt us, goddess he must know what was going on in here! By the time Shane finished talking to Ray and turned around I was halfway out the window, I was about to make my great escape. I heard Shane's footsteps coming across the floor before I felt his arm wrap around me pulling me back into the room.

                    "And where do you think your going darling?" I could hear the amusement in his voice as he closed the window again, the door was now wide open but no one was there. Ray must have gone back to help the others finish packing, Shane swatted my ass as he released me. I turned looking at him in shock as I covered my butt with my hands, did he have no shame!

Without answering him I turned at stalked out of the office, heading to my room I found my mom sitting on my bed. I swallowed softly this is the worst! I know I shouldn't be too embarrassed seeing as our first time was here in my parents house... oh goddess! Just strike me down now, mom looked up as I stepped over the remains of the door. She smiled at me as she stood setting the picture she had in her hands back on my dresser, there were boxes lined up by the window. It would seem she had been waiting for me so that we could pack up what I wanted to bring with us, to be honest I really didn't have a need for any of the things that were here in my room but I couldn't bring myself to tell her that. Most of the things in here were things that her and my dad put here when I was but a child, even from where I was I could she that she was shaking. This was far more difficult for her than it was for me, just being in here reminds her of all the lost time. When she had been taken I was but a small child, no more ten maybe a little younger I couldn't quite remember. Most of my memories were a blurr from those days but it had to be close to that age, seeing as Luka was eight years old...

"It's not your fault mom, everything that's happened wasn't your fault. Just like I know that it wasn't my fault, things happen that are out of our control and the best we can do it survive. Which you did, I did, we found away to be together again. No matter how much time has past, how much time we've lost, we have more than enough to make up for lost memories." I smiled as I picked up one of the pictures of my childhood, it was of mom and me. We both were wearing a light blue dress, matching you could say. I remembered this day, we had gone to the tailor to have dresses made for the Luna's birthday party. I demanded to have a dress that matched mom's, she tried to convince me to pick something else but in the end we had dresses that matched. "Though these memories are important so are the ones we're going to make together from now on. Memories like you helping me do my hair when I get married, you being there to hold my hand when I'm bring a new life into the world, you being there to help me when I lose my way, to teach me all the things I don't know. We have the rest of our lives to make so many new memories and that's because you survived, you protected your life and Luka's."

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