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A couple years have passed since All Might was killed by The Vengeful Protectors and ever since then things in UA have been peaceful. There still were villains trying to attack UA and kill the students and staff but luckily not as much cause they knew what a huge fucking threat The Vengeful Protectors were and knew not to fuck with them. Also without Assmight there bullying, degrading and abusing the students positivity had raised in the school and training for the students have gotten better especially since The Vengeful Protectors were still helping with the training as well as continuing with the guarding duties. Needless to say life in UA has gotten even better.

Also with the help of The Vengeful Protectors them along with the UA students and staff were able to defeat the LOV once and for all which included taking down Shigiraki and All For One for good and curing Kurogiri who as The Vengeful Protectors discovered after doing some research was revealed to none other then Aizawa, Present Mic and Midnight's old friend Oboro Shirakumo.

(For those who don't know I'm keeping Midnight alive in my fanfics)

After curing him Aizawa, Present Mic and Midnight tearfully hugged their friend as they happily reunited with him and they along with Oboro tearfully thanked The Vengeful Protectors for rescuing him. After defeating All For One The Vengeful Protectors, the UA students and staff all got well-deserved praise for saving them all from the most deadliest and dangerous villain that all of Musutafu has ever seen and they all knew that the UA students were gonna be some of the greatest future generation of heroes that the entire world has ever seen.

That's not the only thing that happened Jemima and Pouncival and Mirabel and Togaru had confessed their feelings for each other and ended up together much to the happiness of their friends and families. The UA students had all graduated from UA high to which The Vengeful Protectors, Imelda and the orphans all happily attended and UA High did not have to worry about finding new students for next year cause since popularity had boosted up alot of people had signed up to enroll to UA.

As for The Vengeful Protectors after revealing All Might to be a traitor, killing him and his goons and helping the UA students and staff defeat the LOV their popularity also boosted up!!!!!!!!! They all got tons and tons of clients that hired them to kill certain villains, had teamed up with alot of heroes, fellow vigilantes and anti-heroes who wanted to their help in taking down some villains and have gotten even more praise then ever before!!!!!!!!! And as promised even after their time of guarding UA has come to an end they still kept in touch with the former UA students and the UA staff and still had considered them family. They went on missions with them, hung out with them and were even invited to Victoria and Mistoffelees, Jemima and Pouncival, Marinette and Adrien, Mirabel and Togaru, Steven and Connie and Miles and Gwen's weddings!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Their friendship with all of them was something was never gonna end and they all knew that taking the job as guards of UA was one of the best decisions that they had ever made. Needless to say their lives had gotten even better.

Anyway The Vengeful Protectors were walking to Alania's grave with flowers before leaving for a mission. Eri and Kota were not with them cause they were in UA high after being so inspired by their moms, dad and uncles they decided to become heroes themselves. After arriving at Alania's grave they all kneeled down, put the flowers on the grave and smiled.

"Hi mom/mama/mother we just came by to see you before we leave. Life has gotten better for us. We've gotten even more popular ever since we helped UA defeat the LOV, your grandchildren Eri and Kota are in UA themselves and the teachers say that they are two of the best hero students themselves and not only are we still really close to the friends we made over our time in UA we also have made new friends. We're living the hopes and dreams that you and Imelda had for us we're making a difference in a big way like you always dreamed. And we'll keep doing that we'll keep killing villains that deserve it, we'll keep the weak and innocent safe and bring vengeance for them and we'll inspire people to make a difference in the world. We promise well we gotta go we've got a mission to do. We love you mom/mama/mother bye." they said in unison.

Then they all got and walked away. While they will Alania's spirit sat on her grave while smiling.

"I'am so proud of you my niños and niñas you have become all that Imelda and me have hoped and dreamed for you and more. Keep being the amazing and brave vigilantes and kids that you are though I know that you will. I love you too........... my children." said Alania proudly.

Then her spirit disappeared. Meanwhile back with The Vengeful Protectors arrived at their location and after they parked their car they all got out, grabbed the weapons that they needed and went up to a building. Izuku looked at the others and smirked.

"Ready guys?" he asked.

"Oh you know it Dekiru." answered the otehrs while smirking.

Then they all shot their grappling hooks up to then building,  pulled themselves up and jumped across rooftop after rooftop. As they did they all heard millions upon millions cheering which made them all smiled. No matter what they will always be.......... The Vengeful Protectors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The end.

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