Aftermath Of Assmight's Death

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After All Might and his goons were killed Detective Tsukauchi, Touya and the rest of the cops picked up their bodies and hoisted them up their shoulders. Before leaving they turned to The Vengeful Protectors and smiled.

"We'll take it from here kids." they said in unison.

"Thanks guys." said The Vengeful Protectors gratefully in unison with nods.

Detective Tsukauchi, Touya and the rest of the cops smiled and nodded and then left the bury Assmight and his goons in unmarked graves in the back of the police station. After they left The Vengeful Protectors walked out of the room to join the others. When they arrived there the entire room gave them a round of applause which made them smile. Something told them that they were very happy that Assmight was gone for good.

The UA students ran over and hugged The Vengeful Protectors which made them chuckle and hugged them back.

"Hi kids." Izuku said.

"We take it that you enjoyed the show?" asked Tenya.

"We did that was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!" Izumi answered.

"Indeed that was splendid!!!!!!!!!!!" exclaimed Kurioro.

"And so manly!!!!!!!!!!" Tetsu exclaimed.

"And best of all Assmight is gone!!!!!!!!!!!" exclaimed Asha.

"Yeah we don't have to deal with his bullcrap anymore!!!!!!" Octavia exclaimed.

"Or his bullying!!!!!!!!!" exclaimed Emily.

"Or his abuse!!!!!!" Mirio exclaimed.

"We don't have to put up with him anymore!!!!!!!" exclaimed Nejire.

"Or see his terrifying face anymore!!!!!!!!" Tamaki exclaimed.

"We free from him!!!!!!!!!!!" exclaimed Mirabel.

"Thank you guys!!!!!!!!!!" exclaimed Camillo.

"Yeah thank you!!!!!!" Adrien exclaimed.

"You're welcome." said The Vengeful Protectors in unison.

Then they each gave them motherly/fatherly kisses on the heads and they all released.

"Thank you so much for doing this for only for yourselves but for the kids." Julieta said gratefully.

"Yeah thank you so much!!!!!!!!" exclaimed Sakina.

"Yeah how can we ever repay you?" Munkustrap asked.

"Oh it's nothing." answered Hanta with a wave of his hand.

"Yeah you don't have to do anything for us." Denki said as he put a hand on his hip.

"Indeed just bringing justice for all the cruelty that these wonderful children have faced is more then enough of a reward for us." said Fumikage as Dark Shadow nodded cutely.

"Well at least that clod is finally gone for good." Peridot said.

"Yeah we no longer have to tolerate that fake's bullshit anymore." said Husk.

"I know right Husky? About damn time to." Angel Dust said.

"You're not the only ones happy about this." said Enji with a smirk.

"Yeah we're glad that bastard's gone too." Vlad King said.

Then the UA staff turned to The Vengeful Protectors and smiled.

"You know? You kids truly are something special." said Inko.

"We don't think we're that great." Mina said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Yeah we just did the right thing." said Yuga as he also rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh don't be so modest kids." Rei said as she waved her hand.

"Yeah you kids really are amazing." said Tensei.

"Yeah not only did you kids save millions of people and kept our school safe the inspiration that you gave to our students helped them do one of the most incredible things that we have ever seen today." Nemuri said in amazement.

"Yeah you're fucking awesome little listeners!!!!!!" exclaimed Hizahi.

"You really are." Emi said kindly.

"Yeah Nezu made the right choice hiring you to guard our school." said Hisashi kindly.

"I know that I did." Nezu said with a proud nod.

Aizawa walked over to The Vengeful Protectors and proudly smiled as he put his hands on their shoulders.

"I always knew that you kids were amazing when I first saw you at your first kills in the news but this confirmed it even more for me. You kids really are amazing." said Aizawa kindly.

The Vengeful Protectors smiled and hugged Aizawa which made him smile and hugged them back. He then gave them a fatherly kiss on the cheek and they relased which made everyone smile at how adorable it was. It warmed their hearts to see a very close father and child bond.

"Oh and by the way like Midnight said your kids were amazing today and from what we've seen today and all the times we were with them they are gonna be some of the greatest heroes that the world has ever seen." The Vengeful Protectors said in unison as they smiled at the UA students and their families.

Hearing those words and that The Vengeful Protectors believed in them made them smile and filled the UA students confidence even more. It made them very happy having them encouraging words cause made them believe in themselves even more.

Then The Vengeful Protectors heard footsteps coming behind them. They turned around smiled when they saw Imelda and the orphans walking to them. The orphans hugged them first to which The Vengeful Vengeful hugged them back and gave them motherly/fatherly kisses on the heads. When they released Imelda smiled and approached them.

"What about me?" asked Imelda jokingly as she opened her arms.

"How could we forget about you?" The Vengeful Protectors answered in unison as they raised an eyebrow and walked to her.

Then The Vengeful Protectors and Imelda hugged each other.

"I am so proud of you my niños and niñas and I know that Alania would be too. Today you faced the past with bravery and honor. You earned your vigilante titles. And the people here know that you are some of Musutafu's  greatest heroes." said Imelda proudly.

As she petted Dark Shadow The Vengeful Protectors smiled.

"Thank you mom/mama/mother." they said in unison.

"I love you." said Imelda as she put her hands over her heart.

"We love you too." The Vengeful Protectors said in unison.

"Mommies/moms/daddy/dad/uncles is the meanie really gone?" asked Eri and Kota as they ran to them.

"Yes Eri and Kota the meanie is gone forever." The Vengeful Protectors in unison as Izuku picked up Eri and Momo picked up Kota.

"Yay!!!!!!!!!" cheered Eri and Kota in unison as they pumped their fists in the air which made everyone smile.

"Well I say that this calls for a celebration and the citizens from your hometown can join us if they want." Nezu said.

"We couldn't agree more ratgod." said The Vengeful Protectors in unison.

Then everyone left the jail to go and celebrate cause at last. The biggest traitor of the heroes association was finally gone for good thanks to The Vengeful Protectors.

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