What iS haPpening?

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Quentin's P.O.V
Everybody was shocked, my parents came to me and said:
-Son what it happening? Are you sure you love someone else? You were so happy with Skyler.
- I'm going to explain. I spent all my life working for having the perfect future, having a perfect wife with perfect kids and a perfect job, living in a beautiful and big house with a garden for my kids to play with the dogs. My perspective changed in one night. I felt alive in that night, I had so much fun and even when I was scared as hell I actually really enjoyed it. In that night I forgot my problems, I lived like it was my last day on Earth and after that night a set of events happened that made me start to think that maybe I should just stick to the plan. That was until I found her again, I thought she was dead but as soon as I saw her my heart started pounding like nothing else and in that day she gave me hope, hope for a future that wasn't perfect but it was enough. I really thought she was going to stay with me, I mean, she was my first and only love and I knew that she liked me too...so I thought it was enough for her, but then she went away all around America and left me alone so I just continued my plan and I entered college, found the perfect girlfriend, I had the perfect life, I love my girlfriend and I was going to be a doctor. Or so I thought. The day Margo appeared again, it brought it all back, all the feelings I denied for two years reappeared but I tried to avoid them. They where too strong and it was killing me being with Skyler and not tell her the truth but it's difficult saying something that you don't want to admit even to yourself. Since Margo appeared I was like a paper boy, but now I have to end it. I still love Margo and that is why I can't marry you Skyler. You are a wonderful, beautiful, smart girl but I can't deny my feeling anymore and I can't pretend to love you as much as I love her and you deserve someone that loves you that much. I'm really sorry about this but I tried to avoid hurting you.
Skyler was crying but managed to say:
-Well you didn't do a good job, because you just broke my heart into a million pieces. Her friends, the other bridesmaids went to her side and tried to calm her down. Margo stood there in shock, just like all the wedding guests. Well now I really screwed everything up.

the Paper girl ReturnsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora