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Margo's P.O.V
It was a normal day, I spent most of the day working and I was going to meet Dylan for dinner when Skyler showed up in front of me.
- Hi Margo, so I have some news.
- Okay...
- I have been thinking, you are really close to Quentin and I really like you so I wanted to ask you to be one of my bridesmaids. What do you say?
- I would be happy to be your bridesmaid but...
- Cool, so it's settled then, in two weeks we are going to buy your dress and mine. Awesome, I'm so happy.
- Skyler listen I can't...
But she was now too far away to hear me so I gave up and went to my date with Dylan.

Quentin's P.O.V
I was coming from one of my classes when Skyler came from nowhere and hugged me.
- What happen? Why are you so happy?
- Well I asked Margo to be my bridesmaid and she said yes.
I looked at her like she had just said the she murdered someone. She saw my face and said:
- Aren't you happy?
- Of course I'm happy-I lied.
- Cool because she is your friend and I knew you wanted her at the wedding.-she said smiling.
- I have to go study for exams, bye baby.- I said kissing her.
- Bye!!
I went to my room running and picked up my phone, dialed Margo's phone number, she answered after some seconds.
- Hi Q, I'm in a middle of something, can't you call me later?
- No, this is important, why did you accept to be Skyler's bridesmaid?
- I didn't, I wanted to refuse but she didn't let me so now I'm her bridesmaid, believe I'm not happy about it either.
- Margo you have to tell her that you don't want to be her bridesmaid.
- Why, now that it's settled I can just go back and say no.
- You have too.
- Why?
- Because I can't stand seeing you on that day!
- Wait..what?Why?!
The next words came out of my mouth before I could stop them.
- Because I'm still in love with you and if you are there I may not marry her.
- What?
I didn't say anything, I was to afraid to say something that I would regret.
- Q are you there? Are you ok?
I hung up the phone call and sat at the floor of my room trying to catch my breath an trying to understand what had happen. Did I just said that I loved her? Oh my good, this is bad, really bad, how could I do that to Skyler?
I spent the night up walking around my room and trying to recover but it was just to much, Skyler can't know about this, if she finds out she will be heartbroken. I'm so stupid...and for the first time in years I cried, not only because I was about to marry someone that even though I loved that love was nothing compared to what I felt for Margo, but because would lose both of them if I couldn't make a decision. I was so confused and irritated that I punched the wall of my room and hurted my hand really badly.

Author's note:
I hope you like it and the story is getting better so keep reading, I will update soon. Bye <3

the Paper girl ReturnsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora