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Margo's P.O.V

***Dancing with Quentin***

I was in paradise, his hand was in my waist and mine was on his shoulder, I was looking to everywhere but his eyes, I just didn't have the strength to support his intense gaze. The music played in the background like in a movie, there was only me and him on the dance floor it was like everybody had vanished, even though I knew that they were right next to me. "All of me" by John Legend was playing.
I finally looked at Q and smiled, the music ended and we just stood there looking at each other, then I felt like something was pulling me to him, our faces were getting closer and we almost kissed and God knows how much I wanted to kiss him, but we were interrupted by Lacey and Ben that were drunk as hell so I tried to keep Lacey standing on her feet but she kept falling, I know Quentin was looking at me but I didn't think e would be able to look at him so e concentrated on helping my friend and soon Quentin and I took Ben and Lacey to their room.
When I was sure that they would be well I tried to run as fast as possible, I didn't want to be alone with Quentin, I needed some fresh air so when I got out of the house I ran and hit something, or someone and I fell. I looked up to complain but then I saw him, he was tall with blond hair, hazel eyes and a muscular body, he had perfect teeth. He helped me get up and apologized.
- Sorry I didn't meant to hurt you, are you ok?
I tried to recover and said:
- Yes, I'm fine. And you didn't hurt me.
- Sorry if I'm being rude but why were you running. Not that is any of my business but...
- You are right it is non of your business.
He looked at me amazed with my response.
- Sorry, me night isn't going exactly the way it was supposed to. And sorry for hitting you.
He sat down on a park bench and I sat next him.
- Do you want to talk about it. You look like you could use a friend.
- I don't even know you.
- That is even better because that way I won't judge you.
He smiled and I took a deep breath and started talking.
- So I'm in love with this guy but he is going to get married and I just can't stop thinking about him. The fault is all mine, because I went away even though I liked him, I wanted him to come with me but he had his life planned and didn't wanted to come and even though I knew I loved him I left anyway because I thought that with time it would pass but my feelings just got more intense and when my friend told me that he was going to get married I had to come here because I thought that he felt the same for me so he wouldn't move on, well I was supper wrong and now we almost kissed in a party, that is why I was running.
He listened to me without interrupting. At the end he said:
- Well sounds like you are in a drama movie. Look my best advice is, if your really like him and you are sure that he likes you back then let life happen because at some point he will wake up and realize that you are the girl that he wants, usually men are slower on getting some things or signals so he will get there. But if you like him and he doesn't like you back or still marries that girl, then it wasn't meant to be and you have to move on. Either way maybe you should talk to him.
- Thanks for listening.
- You are welcome, I'm Dylan by the way.
- Margo.
We shook hands and he gave me his number, then I went to Lacey's home and thought about what Dylan said.

Author's note:
I hope you liked it, I think I'm only going to do 20 parts of the story. Because the story will be completed with just 20 parts, so I hope it's enough. Bye!!

the Paper girl ReturnsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora