Nationalistic succesor states of the USSR. The FDRB

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The Federal Democratic Republic of Belarus is a federation of city-states based within the borders of the former Byelorussian SSR.

Minsk, Byelorussian SSR. September 26th 1983.

The noises of the chaos engulfed the night. Minsk, being the capital of the Belarusian SSR, was in chaos during that noon. Evacuation routes had been planned and used by the Red Army, to try to save more people in the case of a war...

Even it was almost 3:30 AM, a call had been woke up Natalia Sidorova Vasilyeva, along the noises outside her apartment, and only knew some chaos from the outside...

After she took the phone, she heard Arisha in a strange place. Being nervous, her voice was hard to understand by the belarusian. Thanks to the Vertushka system, which allowed telephone communication between all the republics...and saved a lot of lifes, mother and daughter were able to survive later.

"...I had...called...Daryna...!"

"Arisha??? I'm Natalia! What's happening? Why are you calling me at those hours?"

"NATALYA!!! PLEASE! You should leave Minsk now, the war has started, Alfred has sent missiles to our home!"

After those words, Natalia took a coat, and tried to leave the city, as fast as she could...Some kilometers to the east, the EMP explosion affected her vehicle, and radiation poisoned her... She fleed to the main eastern areas of her territory, knowing that she would feel safe.

After the strikes, which left cities and bases in ruins, the eastern oblasts of the SSR survived... That was her new destination and home...

On Doomsday, the Byelorussian SSR lost its capital, Minsk, to an American nuclear missile. The cities of Brest and Hrodna were hit as well, for their massive train yards and army headquarters, respectively. The Strategic Bomber base at Balbasovo, and the bomber base at Pribytki were also hit, damaging the cities of Orsha and Gomel, respectively. The Missile bases at Lida and the air base at Baranovichi were also struck.

The rest of the republic escaped attack but was inundated by refugees from Russia, Ukraine, Poland, and the Baltic States, especially in the western half. The remaining intact cities of the republic - largely in the east - asserted their independence, securing as much surrounding territory as possible and closing themselves off to the surrounding chaos. 

Quite quickly, however, the states realized the futility of attempting to brave the storm separately and began to band together. On September 20th, 1990, on the seventh anniversary of Doomsday, the city-states combined into the Federal Democratic Republic of Belarus. The city of Babruysk was chosen as the capital of the federation in a secret ballot, in which no city could vote for themselves.

Babruysk, Federal Democratic Republic of Belarus. September 20th 1990.

Natalia Sidorova Vasilyeva had been living for almost 7 years in the city of Babryusk, the main settlemet of the surviving Belarusian cities. Along her, Fyodor Kovalyov, the city of Mogilev, was part of the city-state combination. They were the only survivors of the event known of Doomsday, which killed Vyacheslav Kravchenko (Gomel), Lyudmila Zhuk (Polesia/Brest), Artyom Shinkevich (Polotsk/Vitebsk) and Alesya Urbanovich (Veyshnoria/Grodno).

Few things would happen for the next 15 years, as the goverment focused on restore and survive from radiation and famines... But in 2007, everything would change...

For the next decade and a half, the central government focused its efforts on coordinating survival efforts. In 2005, contact with the outside world was established in the form of a radio signal originating in Navapolatsk that was picked up by the Nordic Union. Diplomatic ties were soon forged with the Scandinavians. In 2006, contact was made with Prussia, North Germany, and the Celtic Alliance. In 2007, contact was made with the Union of Sovereign Socialist Republics, although this contact was fraught with suspicion. By 2009, the FDRB had established contact with the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and the South American Confederation.

Relations with the USSR have been very tense since the two nations made contact in 2007. The authorities in Siberia consider Belarus to be a part of the USSR and thus view the FDRB as an illegitimate breakaway state. The Siberians have not actually made any attempts to take back Belarus, due to the lawless lands separating the two nations. The Belorussian government, however, remains wary, and has taken steps to prepare for a possible Siberian invasion in the near-future. The recent Siberian invasion of Aralia has heightened fears of a war between Siberia and the FDRB in the future.

The USSR/Socialist Union established contact in 2007 with the nation of Belarus, with whom it has a strained relationship, as it considers the country to be a rightful part of their territory.

Mstislaw, near the border between the Federal Democratic Republic of Belarus, and former Russian SFSR.  September 20th 2007.

"Natalia Sidorova Vasilyeva... Why had you turned against the USSR and became a nationalistic nation? Because of the war, or as those Baltics and some banderists tried to make you their ally?" Both Arisha and Snezhana hated that the western sibling became a nationalist state...but -at least- she was alive... 

Natalia, Arisha and Snezhena (who was given permission to leave Krasnoyarsk by General Secretary Tuleyev) had meet in a small cafeteria in Mstislavl shopping arcade, where they began to argue about their goverment decisions, after having some kvass and palyandvitsa to try.

"Both me and Fyodor Kovalyov (Mogilev) declared independence as we thought you collapsed... And after feeling betrayed by the goverment...and thinking both of you died... I wanted to have a new life for me... Then the nationalists took the goverment and used the collaborators symbols, instead of mantaining the Byelorrusian SSR one... 

But my people will be the one who decides in the future to join you...even if they reject it; I will be loyal to you, mother...and miss Siberia"

Due to the nature of the state, very little exploration has been done outside of its boundaries, which largely had the effect of finding large parts of the Priypet Marches irradiated and making contact with Ukrainian survivor-nations. With the recent establishment of a Exploratory Division for the Ukraine by the WCRB, based in the Crimea, the government has now begun to explore in that region east of the marshes in concert with them.

 With the recent establishment of a Exploratory Division for the Ukraine by the WCRB, based in the Crimea, the government has now begun to explore in that region east of the marshes in concert with them

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