Nationalistic succesor states of the USSR: The Federation of Georgia

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Spirit of the Bagrationi

The Federation of Georgia is a country on the Caucasus formed after Doomsday.

September 26th, 1983. Tbilisi, Georgian SSR.

It was almost the four of the morning in Tbilisi. Gio Jishkariani, who was the earthling who represented the Georgian SSR, was sleeping, when a call woke him, along some knocks on the door. He opened the door, and found some militsiya officers knocking every door to try to save as much people as possible. Before leaving the apartment, he answered the call -was done by the Vertushka system, which connected each SSR home thanks to a paralel network to the official one- 

Arisha was in the other side, worried about him, and told Gio to flee the city, as she was calling all the SSRs to flee their capitals and get safe from the nuclear missiles. 

Gio took a coat and a backpack with food before leaving Tblisi for a last time... and saved his life...

The cities of Tbilisi, Gudauta, Marneuli, and Batumi were destroyed by the blasts, as well as the major ports of Poti and Sukhumi.

September 30th, 1983. Sarpi , Georgian SSR, along the Soviet-Turkish border.

Before the communications with Moscow ceased, and the last transmition came, the Transcaucasian Military District troops launched an attack into Turkey, to prevent a Turkish/NATO attack to the Caucasus, and the Georgian SSR.

The surviving members of the 31st Army Corps (HQ in Kutaisi), the whole 10th Guards Motor Rifle Division, 147th Motor Rifle Division, 6th Fortified Area and the 8th Fortified Area soldiers that were able to mobilize, were sent to the battle against the Turkish Third Army.

Meanwhile, the Soviet Border Troops of the Red Banner Trans-Caucasus Border District were fighting in the defensive trench of the border, having created a makeshift defense and a military post. The Georgian units deployed there were the 38th Akhaltsikhskiy Red Banner Border Detachment, the 10th Hichaurskiy Border Detachment, and surviving soldiers of the 37th Batumskiy Red Banner "Bulgarian-Soviet Combat Fellowship" Border Detachment.

Soviet forces in Georgia received word just before the blasts from Moscow, ordering them to attack over the border into the Republic of Turkey. These attacks were made, and in the few weeks that followed, savage and disorganized battles were fought along the mountainous border between the two sides. Eventually, after neither side received further instructions from their respective headquarters, their commanders arranged to meet under a white flag and established a ceasefire. Both sides then retreated from the border and set about aiding the people. On the Georgian side of the border, this meant that the military joined with the few survivors of the civilian government in the city of Kutaisi, which became the capital.

The war would end with a stalemate, with each side having their same borders after months of war.

September 25th, 1985. Kutaisi, Georgian SSR.

Gio Jishkariani, who managed to survive for mere minutes the Tblisi blast, had became a displaced person on the territory of the Georgian SSR... Days after the nuclear strikes, and after the war against NATO and Turkish forces, the remnants of the Georgian SSR goverment tried to mantain order in the territories under their control... He had joined the SSR provisional goverment and helped the Council of Ministers, where he was part of the administration and even himself had changed since the war, with his glasses repaired, and having tattered clothes due some logistic problems.

On September 25, 1985, almost 2 years after Doomsday, the surviving government officials of this new government, still largely military men, met in Kutaisi to discuss a new government since there was no centralization after the destruction of nearly the entire government on Doomsday and the chaos that they had found themselves embroiled in. 

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