"Sir, we are home," David said politely..
Alec didn't listen to David, he was still staring at the lawn , he was lost in thoughts already.. Things with magnus are different nowadays… because after that incident Alec stopped yelling at him or blaming him for anything.. Magnus was kind with him if he asked for any help..doesn't mean that they started to live normally .. It's just they both were living in the same room.. Magnus takes the couch every night, Alec doesn't want to start an argument regarding that.. But every morning he sees Magnus twisting the stiffness on his neck, making Alec feel guilty for letting him sleep on the couch … and that's not the problem now.. For the past 2 days Magnus wasn't sleeping in the same room . He sleeps on the couch in the TV room like he used to do in the beginning.. Alec doesn't know why?? And where did he go wrong?? Because Magnus avoided sleeping in the same room again.. yesterday he saw Catarina going inside that room .. Both Magnus and the cat took nearly 15 minutes to come out from that room.. Alec really doesn't know what is happening inside that room . He doesn't doubt them but he wants to know what actually Magnus is planning..
so he went towards that room and stood outside leaning on it, in order to overhear their conversation..he heard catarina saying to Magnus "you better talk to Alec about it…" but magnus bailed on it by saying.. "I don't want to disturb him, he has enough on his plate, 'Magnus replied back.. Alec frowned on hearing that… like what they are talking about??.. And when he heard footsteps getting closer to the door he walked back to his room confusingly.
Alec was clueless what cat asked him to tell me? …and why Magnus didn't want me to know about it..? Is he trying to get away from me again??That's all he can think of. His mind is messy and he is tired of holding on to the thread from one side.. Because as much as he takes a step forward, Magnus takes a step back.. This whole thing has been messing with his mind for almost 2 days..
"Sir….!!" David called Alec one more time to bring him back up to earth.."hmm"alec hummed in return…
" we are home sir!! "David said with a smile..
" ugh.. Thank you!! "Alec replied with a smile and got out of the car.. Yes he agreed to take magnus's other car for his work.. Because he doesn't want to upset Magnus by disagreeing with him. He started to believe that if Magnus said something there might be a lot of reason behind it.. So he obeyed a few things Magnus requested of him…
He looked at the car shed.. Magnus's car wasn't there so confirmed that he is not home yet.. He sighed and walked to his and Magnus's room. It felt empty and alone without the smell of his magnus.. He got frustrated.. What do you think about me, magnus?Why are you not sleeping in this room?? Did I do something wrong?? He got frustrated.. He rubbed his forehead and looked at the nightstand. He remembered last night Magnus putting a box inside that drawer thinking that Alec was sleeping ..
Something clicked on Alec, he tried to open it but it was locked and the key was right next to Magnus's panda doll… He Opened the drawer on the nightstand and got curious when he saw that same box in the same place.. He took it out and frowned because it's some kind of injection medicine . And there are a lot of syringes in there..
He took his mobile and checked the name which made him lose hope and got angry at the other side..
An hour later Magnus got back home.. He saw Alec was standing close to the balcony door and staring at the lawn..
"had your lunch??" Magnus asked out of concern but he didn't show that off…
Alec just hummed still looking at the lawn.. Magnus rolled his eyes on hearing that.
"you okay??" Magnus asked quickly.. Again he heard a cold humming in return… magnus had enough