Chapter 35

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"I am asking you really in a nice way. I never had this patience with anyone before in my life.. Like ever.. (he blinked out) So do not test it.." he said in a really nice way to Alec , still standing in the middle of the room and Letting Alec grab his elbow till now .. 

Alec scratched the skin on his elbow totally forgetting that it's magnus skin not his own… he didn't know which part to say and which to cut it off in the whole story … He was thinking deeply.. 

" speak it out, Alexander "he roared in anger even Zoe and Raphael can hear it from the living room.. They both looked at Amira who was silently sitting on the couch while closing her eyes … 

Alec startled for a second and then he started to much as he Stay silent it's only triggering magnus's anger 


Alec was traveling in the metro as usual.. He was lost in thought that he wanted to get back to his magnus and annoy him until he felt better .. He gets out of his thoughts all of sudden when the metro stops in the middle of nowhere.. No one was coming in or getting out  of the compartment he was traveling in, but the doors were open so Alec walked to the doorway just to see Camille standing on the platform for him… She waved at him … Alec took a deep breath and stepped out from the metro.. The train starts moving, he was confused and walked towards her hesitantly thinking that she might not know about him and Magnus  .. But he couldn't make it to her. Before he could reach her, someone grabbed him from behind and closed his mouth with a cloth… his eyes got blurry and wet , the last face he saw was Camille smirking at him. 

A few minutes later he woke up with a groan when someone splashed ice cold water on his face… he Woke up breathing heavily from that sedation and shook his head to make his vision clear and saw a guard smiling at him.. And then he realized that his hand was tied to the headrest of the bed…he got tense, he tried to rip it out but he couldn't . It was a metal cuff  and chain …. 

"Where is she?? (he asked the guard who splashed water in his face a minute ago ) Camille I know it's you.. Let me go" he bounced on the bed in order to get rid of that cuff … 

Camille Walks in with a smiling face… "let me go." Alec growled in anger while shaking his head .. 

Camille :hmm that rage.. Now I know why Magnus made you pregnant.. You have the same intensity of anger just like him… (she chuckled) or maybe it's his baby inside you making you a menace (she mocked) 

Alec : Let me go… If Magnus gets to know this.. He will definitely come after you!! (he warned her.. He doesn't know where that much  guts came from.. He is not sure whether Magnus comes to save him or not but he has this blind faith like no one dares to touch him when he is under magnus's protection..) 

Camille : what he will do.. Kill me?? (she laughed) that moron won't do such things.. Because he might still love me deep inside (she laughed sarcastically, on hearing the Every other guards laughed at Alec) …that person is desperate for my love.. (she said with An attitude for which Alec rolled his eyes in return) Okay I don't want to lighten up that jealousy on you, you look poor like that… Now let's get to the point.. (she said and gestured her guards to set Alec free and they did as she said) 

The first thing Alec did was walk angrily towards Camille but the two guards from the back locked him by grabbing his elbow .. The hold was tight.. 

Camille:woahhh… Easy Alec!! You are Too pregnant to get this much anger… (she said with a devilish smile)..all  I need is one answer from you.. Just tell me you got pregnant with Magnus's baby for his money.. (Alec nose bulges in anger) if you planned all this for money then trust me we both gonna be friends… Or(she dragged) 

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