Chapter 37

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"Have you seen my pj's??" he asked pacing around the room… 

Magnus : gray one?? (Alec hummed in return)  Anouk came here to collect laundry so I asked her to take that one. (he said still working on his laptop) 

Alec : what?? Come on, you can't be serious… All my clothes are in the laundry.. That's the last piece of bottom I left with … What  am I supposed to wear now?? (he asked standing there with towel on his shoulder) 

Magnus sighed and looked at Alec up and down… 

"Magnus!! I was cooking in the kitchen. I can't sleep with the same cloth which smells like meat broth and pasta sauce.." Alec said with a tired face while. Smelling himself .. 

Magnus : You have my clothes..aren't you?? You can still wear it.. (he said and Alec raised his brows on hearing that) what?? Still not in mood to wear my clothes??(he questioned seriously) 

Alec left a heavy breath and walked towards the closet. He pulled out a set of pj's and baggy t-shirt from magnus's side of the closet with pouty face for which magnus smiled to himself on looking at the laptop and Alec back and forth.. "You didn't do that intentionally right??" Alec asked cryptically 

Magnus : nope (that one word from magnus gives lot of hidden meaning for which Alec stared at him faking his anger ) 

Magnus' gaze falls from Alec's eyes to his baby bump which is covered with Alec's dirty t-shirt.. Alec could notice Magnus's gaze on his belly.. But when Magnus saw Alec was noticing his gaze Magnus averted his eyes away from that bump.. 

Alec smirked to himself and went to take a shower.. He loved to take showers in Magnus's bathroom especially, right away after Magnus stepped out from the shower.. The whole bathroom is enchanted with Magnus's smell, Magnus just took a shower and went to work on his laptop.. Now Alec can have the whole bathroom for himself… that fragrance made him feel that it was refreshing and he felt like magnus was  showering along with him.. That's a little bit of  happiness his lover boy heart wants the least .. 

When he came out of the shower, Magnus' gaze went straight to his bump and again Alec caught him at the moment but he didn't ask anything.. So Magnus played cool and looked at his laptop.. Following this incident Alec noticed throughout the evening magnus gaze was roaming around his bump and chest more often from the scale of casual look to intense stare it's always 10 … Alec knows Magnus wants to feel that bump, he wants to feel his baby since the day he got to know about it but he didn't have that courage to ask him or touch him without his permission.. As much as Alec loves this gentleman side of magnus, sometimes he wants his magnus to break the silence and touch his bump without any second thoughts.. 

They both had dinner together and Alec got a call from Maryse at the end of dinner .. He answered the call and stood up from the chair quickly. He noticed Magnus placing his hand on the side of the table, he didn't want Alec's little bump to hit the sides of the table … Alec smirked and walked upstairs … 

Once he was done talking with his mom he came back to his room burping louder, Magnus smiled on hearing that while scrolling his phone.. 

"what?? I ate too much, " Alec annoyed.. 

Magnus : got it!! (he defended his smile by raising his hands up in the air securely) 

Alec rolled his eyes at him with a cute little smile tugged on the corner of his lips.. He intentionally paces inside the room right and left which is extremely distracting for Magnus, especially Alec rubbing his bump and burping then and now making Magnus' mind go crazy. He started to stare at Alec's bump without averting his eyes… he didn't realize that Alec stopped  moving and started to admire him until Alec started to move towards him.. 

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