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Chaewon's p.o.v

"Excuse me if you don't mind there's kids around would you mind taking it somewhere else?" An unfamiliar voice said as Yunjin and I were kissing on the ground with her on top of me.

Yunjin removed her lips from mine which made me a little upset.

"We were just about to leave, but now that you bothered us I think I'm very comfortable here."

I dug my head in Yunjin's shoulder because for some reason my cheeks were crimson.

"I don't find that very appropriate especially with so many kids around."

"Well, these kids aren't mine." Yunjin said.

"It doesn't matter it's called common courtesy do you not have manners or principles?"

"I do, but you see I just do not feel like showing them." I snickered not making the situation better.

"And you young lady? Were you not raise right? What kind of behavior is this?"

"I do not mind you speaking to me the way you have, but you will not speak to my wife that way."

"Well your wife is not behaving like a fine young woman."

"Jesus christ, will you relax? It's not like we were having sex. Just a wife and wife showing eachother some affection? Are you jealous that your husband, if you're even married, does not touch you or show you any shape or form of affection? I'm sorry you are not as lucky as I am, but just because you're unlucky does not mean you have to go messing up people's days." I blurted out.

The lady looked at me as if I had grown two heads while Yunjin smiled at me with so much pride. It looked like somebody had told her her wife was winning a Noble Peace Prize or something.

The lady did not utter one more word, and stomped away.

"Wow feisty, I love it." She winked at me.

"You're next." I menacingly said.

"Please." She said and I just rolled my eyes and walked away.

I could hear Yunjin's laughter behind me which made me smile.

As I was walking back up the hill I felt something inexplicable.

My stomach clenched and my chest began hurting.

It was something I had never experienced.

I stopped in my tracks, and took a breath.

Maybe you're tired, it's temporary I kept telling myself.

I continued to walk and the chest pain became worse.

"What's wrong?" Yunjin rushed next to my side holding my hand.

"Something is not right."

"What do you mean?"

"My chest hurts." I whispered.

"Let's take you to the hospital."

"No, I need a minute."


"Yunjin, please just give me a second."


"Do me a favor?"


"Check on the kids."

"They're probably fine."

"You said anything."

She sighed and took out her phone.

"Nobody is picking up."

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