[43].Near Perfection.

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Chaewon's p.o.v

I knew what I had to do.

Did I love her? Of course. When I believed she was dead I cried like I had never cried before. When my father left I was numb. I was unable to shed a tear for that coward. When my mother died I was unable to cry aswell. How could I cry for a woman who neglected her job of being a good mother?

When Yunjin went missing that was the first time I had really cried for the loss of somebody. I loved her-wait no- I love her.

That woman not only loved me like no other woman had ever before, but she also gave me three biggest blessing any woman could ask for.

Yunjin was my world, but now my children are first. What if does not work out again? What if during this break-up our children get tangled into that mess? It was too much of a risk to take and I was unsure of the outcome.

But did I not deserve happiness? Have I not experienced enough? Maybe everything that happened was to strengthen our love right?

The next day went by in a blink of an eye and before I knew it it was time. Time to either let her go for good or to grow the courage to love her once and for all.

I made my way to where she proposed. Where for the first time since I met her I saw a glimpse of hope for happiness and stability two words not commonly used to describe my life.

There I was standing in front of the Empire State Building. I felt my chest suddenly tighten up and my legs unable to move. I couldn't bring myself to climb up those steps.

"Are you okay?"

I felt a hand touch my back and I was suddenly pulled back into reality.

"I thought you hated me." I whispered.

"I don't hate you, stupid. I was just mad. Furious at the whole situation to be precise. I let out my anger and lushed out at you. When I shouldn't have. I was unfair towards you and I regret the stuff I said to you."

"I know I'm not perfect, I know I made mistakes and for that I apologize. I never meant to make you feel like an intruder was taking your sisters place. As you can tell I'm extremely messed up from my head." I sadly chuckled.

"Glad you realized that, but we all are."

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay. I saw you leaving the house extremely pale and and I didn't want anything to happen to you. By the way what are you doing here?"

"I came to see your sister."


"Yes, here?"

"I'll leave you then. Go handle what you need to handle. As cheesy as this sounds listen to your heart and not your mind. As you said your mind is pretty fucked up so don't let it makes important decisions."

I weakly smiled and Yujin gently kissed the side of my head and walked off.

I finally had the courage to begin walking and take myself up to the last floor. I opened the door and there she was. Her back to me, but I knew it was her I could recognize her miles away.

The sun was coming down, and the view looked breathtaking. I slowly began walking my heals clicking against the floor. My heart reached a new high.

Yunjin slowly turned around and her smile took my breath away. That smile that I had not seen for so long that I was slowly beginning to forget. That smile that captured my heart and made me love her more.

"You made it."

"I did."

"Does this me---"

"Yes, a fresh new start. A clean State. We deserve it. We've been through too much. I need to apologize---"


"Yunjin, please let me do this. I know I haven't been the easiest person to be around. I know from the get go I've been a pain in your ass. I've acted like a brat. Since I was a child I had all three barriers I made to protect myself from any more harm. Not having loving parents I didn't know how to love. The first thing I loved was Taeyeon she became like my mother. I didn't have a manual on how to love. Then you came in barging into my life. At first it was much easier to not like you it was like a natural reflex, but then you grew on me. I began loving you and that was scary because I don't propely know how to handle my emotions. I pushed you away instead of talking with you and propely expressing myself. I was scared. It was something I had never experienced, it seemed like once we started progressing something happened and we went three steps back. You know how terrifying it was to feel happy and then suddenly get it snatched away? I claimed to do what best for you and the kids but I was selfish and did what was best for me. I'm ashamed of it and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for putting myself first in such shitty situations. I need to learn how to be a better human being and I hope you're willing to stay by my side and love me with all my flaws. I hope you can teach me on how to love without harming others around me. I hope you're willing to let me love you and make you happy. If you can't I totally understand and I'm sorry for putting you through hell and back."

I did not even notice when tears began streaming down my face and they weren't stopping anytime soon.

Yunjin suddenly placed her thumb underneath my eyes and began wiping my tears.

"Hey don't cry. I hate seeing you cry. Of course I want to be with you not once did I doubt it. We have both made horrible mistakes through this marriage, but now we can learn what not to do. We can learn from our mistakes. We can start from scratch and build our happiness. I want to grow old with you and love you until death do us apart. I want to be part of your life til my last breath. There's no one else I can see my present future with. You're my person. The woman of my dreams. You make me complete you've given me the best moments of my life and the biggest gifts I could possibly ask for. You're wonderful and I love every single one of your flaws. Nobody can be perfect, but in my eyes you're damn near it, baby. I love you so much."

Yunjin closed the gap between us with a tender sweet kiss. The taste and warmth of her lips which I missed. In that exact moments I knew everything was going to be okay.

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