[45].A Gem.

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Chaewon's p.o.v

We waited for what felt like hours, but in reality, it was only like ten minutes.

"Family of Junseo Huh." The doctor announced and I sprinted his way yelling that I was his mother.

"Junseo should be fine. Whoever placed him to his side you were very smart because he could have choked on his own saliva. Junseo has a bacterial infection, but we have placed him on medication that should help combat the infection. He is doing well right now you should be able to take home home in about two days."

I was crying.

Happy tears.

My baby was going to be okay.

"Hey baby, he's going to be fine." Yunjin said as she soothed my back

"I know these are happy tears my baby is going to be okay." I sighed.

"I should have known better." Yujin mumbled.

"Will you please stop blaming yourself? How were you suppose to know that he had an effection? You're too dumb to know that." Yunjin said.

"Is this your way of making me feel better?" Yujin asked.

"Yes, so you better take it." Yunjin cracked a smile.

"Not that I want to start anything, and I do appreciate you helping my son when he was seizing but what were you doing at my house?" Yunjin asked.

She beat me to it because I was dying to know what Minju was doing at my house so late.

"I came to talk to you guys."

"About what?"

"About the current situation."

"Okay, I think we should talk about this outside or even in the cafeteria." Yunjin said.

Yunjin, Minju, and I made our way to the cafeteria the walk was awful. She was silent and it was not your comfortable silence.

We all took a seat and Minju was the first one to speak.

"I am stepping outside for good. I think you guys have been through enough, and I know that Chaewon does truly love me unlike me. Chaewon, I know you love me, but not in the way you love Yunjin. That's the soulmate kind of love. Your love towards me was that of a friend. I think it is best if I just step aside and let you guys be happy. Both of you deserve that happiness and who am I to interfere with it? I only ask for one thing in return. Please do not push me out of the kid's lives. I have grown to love them, and I will like to be there for them. I would like to be there for every milestone. Before you think I'm still trying to stick my nose in your life Yunjin please know that I am no way trying to confuse them by making them think I'm their other mom. They can think of me as the cool aunt or something around those lines. Regardless of me not being in your life as your lover Chaewon I still want to be your friend. Well, actually yours Yunjin. I think we have more in common than you think." Minju offered a weak smile.

"I appreciate what you have done for Chaewon and the kids Minju. I am in no way impending you from visiting the kids and partaking in their life. I have been an ass with you I have to admit, but I do appreciate you keeping her safe and my kids. I know you love her, and I don't blame you she's a gem. All I ask is that you respect boundaries, and do not try to be sneaky behind me and continue to pursue with my wife. I respect you as a person, and I will like for my kids to have someone who seems to truly love them around. As for your friends I am completely opposed to the idea, we can get drinks sometime soon and I can be your wingwoman." Yunjin chuckled.

"Thank you I truly appreciate it. As for the drinks, they will have to wait. I got a new offer for a movie and I will be gone for months."

"Minju--" My voice began to crack.

"You don't have to say anything Chaewon." Minju weakly smiled.

"No I do. You are an important part of my life. You became my pillar if it wasn't for your unconditional love and support god knows I would not have made it when Yunjin went missing. You mean so much to me, and I do love you. I will always love you. You are very dear to my heart, and of course you can be part of the kids and my life I would not want to have any other way. The kids adore you, and so do I. I know there is the right person out there for you, and let me tell you their going to be so unbelievable lucky. You are a gem, and I was fortunate and blessed enough to receive your love. I do not know what I did in this life to deserve you."

"You really have yourself a gem, Yunjin. Don't fuck it up." Minju smiled.

"Never again. It's her and I until death do us apart and even after that."

"I have to go now. I have a flight to catch. I wish both of you endless happiness I'll be back soon."

"Thank you again for helping my son out. I owe you big time." Yunjin said as she stretched out her hand for Minju to take it.

"You don't owe me anything." Minju said as she shook it. I stood up to give Minju a huge hug.

"Be happy. Enjoy your family. I wish you nothing, but the best." She whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek. I let go and she left.

I had not realized that I was crying. I quickly wiped my tears.

"She's a good woman. I'm genuinely glad that she was there when I was gone."

"She's a great woman. She kept me sane when you were gone. She helped me with the kids, and helped me continue my work. She's only one of a kind."

"She'll find someone. Not as great as you, but close enough." Yunjin said as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"I truly hope so. If anyone deserves it it's her.

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