[44].Good Mother.

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Chaewon's p.o.v

Yunjin and I stayed at the top of the Empire State Building for hours. She told me with precise detail what happened when she went after Karina. She stopped a few times when telling me because I started crying. She would hold me a little tighter and assure me that she would always be there.

"I can't believe you went through all of that by yourself." I sniffled.

"I wasn't entirely by myself I had some help."

"I probably would have died in a day." I chuckled.

"I'm not disagreeing there. I love you, babe but I've seen you under pressure and you do seem to struggle a bit."

I nudged my arm at her stomach which made her laugh.

"We should get going."

"Or we could look at the stars." She offered.

"Even when I was furious with you everytime I looked at the stars all I could think of was you. How shiny and bright they were just like you."

"You turned very soft on me, Mrs. Huh."

"I'm soft with you and our family and that's about it. When it comes down to business I will continue to be cold and ruthless because I have to maintain this empire for you and our kids. I don't ever want him to worry about money."

"You're a great mother, babe."

"I'm going to try to be the best mother I can possibly be I missed too much of their lives. I know it was just a few months, but it felt like an eternity. I want to take care of them and make sure nothing is every missing."

"They just need you."

"They'll always have me."

"You know what I was thinking?"


"We should go on a vacation."

"Sounds like a solid plan."

"Just you and I. I love the kids, but I need time with my wife."

"I couldn't agree anymore. I think I'm a virgin again." I laughed at her stupid comment.


"Before you ask no, Minju and I were not intimate." Yunjin sighed and smiled.

"I would have been upset."

"You don't have to lie."

"Okay yeah, I would have been dying inside."

"The only woman who has touched me has been you."

"And I will be the only woman to touch you."

"We'll see."

"Don't start, Chaewon." She whispered and I couldn't help but crack a smile and chuckle.

"I'm just kidding."

"You better be." She held me for what seemed a second, but it was another hour.

My phone suddenly went off completely ruining the moment.

"Don't pick up." Yunjin said.

"It could be the kids."

"Then pick up what are you waiting for?"

I rolled my eyes and picked up my phone.

"Please don't panic." Rachel said.

"What's wrong Rachel?"

I now began getting worried.

"Junseo had been crying non-stop and when I touched his forehead he was burning up. I tried bringing it down. Minju tried helping me, but next thing I know Junseo began seizing. We are at the hospi---" My phone fell out of my hand and I couldn't speak.

I was numb.

My baby.

"Chaewon, what's wrong?"

As soon as Yunjin asked I broke down.

"Baby, you're scaring me what's wrong?"

"Jun---" I cried.

"What happened?" Panic was written all over her eyes.


As soon as I said that word Yunjin picked up my phone.

"Rachel what hospital? Okay we'll be there."

"Babe I'm going to need you to stop crying and use those legs to run. He's five minutes away. You need to be strong for him. Now let's go." I nodded and the the next thing I know Yunjin grabbed my hand and we began running.

That run felt like an eternity. My baby was in there somewhere.

We made it to the front desk and Yunjin started yelling asking for her kid. The nurse was scared and told her everything she wanted to know. Yunjin grabbed my hand and we ran to the fifth floor there in the waiting room stood Rachel, Minju and Yujin.

Minju was consoling Rachel while Yujin was pacing back and forth.

Wait why is Minju here?

"How is he?" Yunjin asked.

Rachel let go of Minju's embrace and ran towards us crying.

"I'm so sorry I should have taken better care of him."

"Rachel it's not your fault. Now tell me where is he?"

"We don't know we haven't gotten any news."

"Chaewon please look at me." Rachel begged.

I had not realized Rachel was in front of me my eyes were looking directly at Yunjin who looked like she was crumbling into tiny pieces.

"It's not your fault." I whispered and gave her a hug.

I then walked over to Yujin who was not facing us.

I grabbed her shoulder and gently spun her around. Her eyes were red. She had been crying.

"I should have been there. I should have been paying attention he was crying and I thought he just missed you. I carried him and tried playing with him, but not once did I check his temperature."

"Yujin stop blaming yourself."

"I won't forgive myself if something were to happen to him."

"He'll be fine."

"It was so scary when he began seizing. I didn't know what to do. Minju put him to his side, but I just stood there frozen. I was petrified. I can't think about what can happen to him. I know he's not my kids, but that my nephew. I've been there from the go since you were pregnant. I heard his first heart beat and saw him grow. I changed his stinky diapers. He may  not be my kid, but I sure feel like he's mine. Chaewon, I can never forgive myself I---" Yujin wasn't able to finish her sentence because she began to uncontrollably crying.

Yujin was not overreacting she was right. She had been there from the start. She was at every appointment, she sang to the kids when they were still in me, she was there after Yunjin was back. She took the mother role when Yunjin went missing. She would get up at night to check up on them or if one of them was fuzzy she would sit in the rocking chair with the kids until they fell asleep.

I hugged Yujin and gently stroked her back. Ethan was not only my kid he was in a way Yujin's too.

All we could do is wait, and pray to god to have mercy and not take my angel away.

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