[6].Bruised arm.

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Chaewon's p.o.v

After I left Yunjin in the kitchen I walked back to my room. I noticed the big envelope that I received earlier today at our engagement. I reread the first sentence like ten times, before it actually hit me, that I was going to attend the Institute of Culinary Education.

It was one of the top Culinary schools in the country. I read through the letter this time, and it actually said that I was going to start in a month.

Sufficient time to get married with this brute, and come back in time to start my classes, and begin the chain of restaurant I wanted.

~2 weeks later~

I've never been more stressed in my life not even with the ways to figure out how to pay my mother's debts. Over the course of two weeks, I've managed to find the dress, get out wedding invitation, find a cake, find a venue for reception, and whatnot.

"Relax, honey." Taeyeon said.

Taeyeon has been by my side all the way, she met Ashley and Rachel whom she loved and they loved her.

"Taeyeon, I'm never getting married again."

"If you get divorce, yes, you will."

"What do you mean if?" I asked.

"Oh, honey, nothing." I didn't even keep questioning her I let it go.

"We're supposed to be in the airport today at 2 in the morning." I looked at the clock it said 9 pm. Yunjin, Sakura and I were going to Spain first, to see that everything was set up for the wedding.

Taeyeon and the rest of the family members plus guests were to fly out in 5 days.

"You're already packed right?" Taeyeon asked.

"Yes I don't know why did she want such a big wedding." I groaned.

"She's a famous and well-known future of course she wanted a big expensive wedding." Taeyeon meant heck of expensive, it's ridiculous how much money we've wasted.

Yunjin made it an order for everyone we invited to fly first-class. I don't know why they had to fly first class, if she had her own private airplaine. I guess she didn't want people in there. I don't know?

She's so complicated. She has not spoken to me after the family dinner which was TWO weeks ago.

"Chae?" Taeyeon snapped her fingers in front of my face.


"I was saying that I have to go it's been a long day." I nodded and gave her a hug before walking her to the door.

She gave me one last hug and told me to fly safe and call her once I landed.

I headed back to the living room where I threw myself on the couch. I suddenly heard keys rattle and the door flew open. It waso Yunjin standing int he doorway, drunk off her ass.

"Karina!" She slurred. She began walking and fell down.

I jumped out of the couch to help her.

"Karina is it you?" She grabbed my face and started into my eyes.

"Yunjin." I said as I tried pulling her up, but she was heavy.

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