Chapter 11 ~ Ambush

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Five weeks went by since the battle with the demon, after sustaining deep injuries i have been locked up in the mansion.

(Seriously this is driving me insane!)

A soft sigh escaped from my lips, and i plopped down onto the bed i felt so bored and it was driving me in insane big time.

"Ms kira i know your bored but remember the grand duke is doing this for your safety"

(Safety my ass lucas! i swear once i get my paws on him i will kill him)

Lucas laughed then sat down beside me, he began to stroke me as i let out a purr as i slowly began to doze off but i snapped myself awake.

(Damn it lucas trying to make me fall asleep hmph)

"Hehehehe you saw right through me by the way kira i have a question for you"

(Yeah and what is it that you want to ask me?)

"How did you become a cat and when are you going to tell the grand duke"

That was a good question the reason i couldn't tell kayden, it was because i am a cat who can only meow and once i become human i will tell him.

(And to answer your question in my past life i died and then when i woke up i was a cat)

Lucas looked at me like i was crazy, well what did i expect even kayden heard it he would have the same reaction.

(See you think i am crazy)

"No i believe you and i believe it was the work of the great god of life and creation"

(I see by the way lucas how did you become a knight?)

The look on lucas's face i could see the pain and sorrow, but he began to tell me how he lived on streets and how the temple found him and so now.

All of a sudden i heard the door opening and quickly got up, amy saw me with a smile seeing how well i looked.

"Ms kira i brought your favourite food and i brought you some food aswell sir lucas"

"T.. thank you and please call me lucas"

"O.. okay l.. lucas"

Seeing the blush on amy's face and lucas's face, i grinned amy quickly left the room shutting the door.

(Hehehehe whoever thought i would see you and amy blush)

Lucas blushed more and cleared his throat, i chuckled then began to eat as he did later that evening i felt the side of the bed went down.

"Kira i am back and sorry if i kept you locked up"

(Kayden!? about time just you wait until i get my paws on you)

"Kira i am sure your going to be mad at me but i don't want to lose you"

Kayden told me that before he met me, he would have nightmares about his family and how scared he was that if anyone got to close to him they would disappear.

"But you know what kira since i met you that day you have become a important thing in my life"

His soft warm hands running through my fur, and his soft lips that kissed my head made my heart beat heavily.

(Kayden.. i feel the same way one day when i become human i will tell you everything)

That night we slept throughout the night as he held me in his arms, when morning approached i woke up seeing the space next to me empty.

(Sigh looks like he went to work again)

"Oh kira did i wake you"

Hearing his voice i looked over and seeing him half naked, my face went red and i buried into the pillow.

(Geez kayden at least put clothes on)

Kayden smiled and went into the next room, once he returned fully dressed he sat down beside me and picked me up.

"Your just to cute kira having that reaction"

(Hmph don't expect me to forgive you kayden)

"Anyways lets go and get some breakfast"

Walking out while holding me he headed to the dining room, but along the way i could hear a commotion outside.

"I wonder what is the commotion this time in the morning"

"Your grace thank god i have found you"

It was kayden's aide and he had a letter in his hand, panting and catching his breath he handed it to kayden.

"What is this?"

Taking it he opened it up and his face went pale, looking at him then looking at the letter which mentioned the emperor has taken ill.

"What will you do your grace"

Kayden sighed and handed the letter back to the aide, he then told him to get his horse ready as he will be leaving for the capital after breakfast.

After breakfast we departed for the palace, lucas came with us i began to think something is not right.

Kayden and lucas continued to ride until we reached the palace, seeing how the security became more tighter it meant this must be a big problem.

"State your name"

One of the guards asked, kayden and lucas both stated their names both were then let through the gates.

Quickly we headed inside the palace once dismounted, being led by a maid we arrived at the emperor's bed chambers.

"Your majesty duke leonheart is here and sir lucas"

The maid announced and the doors opened, as kayden and lucas entered i saw how beautiful and stunning was his room then looking over there he was looking so sick.

"Kayden leonheart greets the sun"

"Lucas greets the sun of the empire"

"T.. thank you for coming please sit down"

Kayden walked over and sat down on a chair, looking closely at the emperor he was so pale and so sick.

"Kayden you look so much as your father"

"Thank you your majesty"

"You know if your father took the throne instead of me this empire would flourish more"

"What do you mean?"

But before the emperor could say anything, there was a knock on the door and not to my surprise the empress entered with the doctor.

"You must excuse yourself now but it is time for his majesty to take his medicine"

"Kayden be cautious who you keep beside you"

Bowing and feeling confused what he meant he left the room, once we exited the palace we headed back to the mansion.

(What is that energy!? Lucas!)

"Your grace quickly dodge it!"

Listening to lucas kayden moved his horse to the side, suddenly there was a laughter and a cloaked figure along with assassin's appeared infront of us.

To be continued. 

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