Issacs Great Dream & Oliver's Horrible Nightmare

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Issac was sitting across from Oliver in one of the most luxurious restaurants in their city. This restaurant happened to be a McDonalds. Oliver was golfing down 2 spicy McCrispy, a large fries, 2 large Dr Peppers, a large chocolate milkshake, 4 chocolate chip cookies, and a large Oreo McFlurry. During their meal, Issac noticed suddenly the place started to shake. Outside he could see the surrounding buildings falling to the ground. Issac looked back at their friend who was completely unbothered and actually went to order more food.

All of a sudden, the surrounding chaos stopped and it turns out that they were now in Alaska. Overjoyed, Issac grabbed Oliver and they immediately started heading towards the ski resort.

At the ski resort they both purchased their gear and started debating which trail to go on. Oliver of course wanted to go on the beginners trail while Issac wanted to go on the hardest one. Eventually Oliver gave in and they both started making their way to the lifts. While waiting for the lifts, a cafe owner approached them and offered them tea that was left over from today. It was the best tea Issac had ever tasted. Then their lift arrived and they took their seats.
On the way up Issac had felt movement under their seats. Turns out there was a large maine coon that was sleeping underneath them. Issac quickly took the cat and started petting it. It was great.

Once they reached the top they started making their way to the start of their trail. Oliver started having second thoughts about the whole idea but Issac grabbed their upper arm and suddenly they were both skiing down the trail.

Around halfway down the trail an avalanche started on the nearby mountain and chunks of snow started falling onto their path. Issac started professionally dodging it while Oliver was swallowed alive by the tons of snow. Phew, that was a close one. Issac continued down the trail and was having a blast.

Once Issac reached the bottom they could see a bee swarm simulator themed gift shop. At the same time Oliver's corpse had emerged from the snow. Issac wasted no time and immediately grabbed Oliver and started rushing towards the store.
The store was filled with bee swarm merchandise. Plushies of all the bees covered the entirety of one of the walls. Tee shirts with rare bees filled the racks and sweatered that were crocheted to match the theme of specific bees. Ceramic mugs along with keychains with every type of bee in the game along with each type of bear were near the register. The floors were in the shape of a honeycomb with a different bee on each tile. There was also a sale going on for 90% off everything in the store! Issac quickly stocked up on merchandise. Oliver of course was the one who paid for it all despite Issac having their own money. What a great friend.

While leaving the store Issac saw in the corner of their eye a transformer themed restaurant. The skiing had made them both hungry so they decided to get something to eat there.
Inside there were many dishes based on different cybertronians. Drinks were also themed along with the decor inside the restaurant. They both ordered and Issac couldn't be happier. Bee swarm AND Transformers, could this day get any better?

On the other hand Oliver, who was right beside Issac, was tossing and turning in their sleep....They were lying in bed when Issac suddenly burst through the door.

"Guess what I got!" Issac happily declared

"ughhh leave me alone" Oliver groggily said back

"I got us tickets to an Ed Sheeran concert!"

Hearing this Oliver was stunned, they hated Ed Sheeran with a burning passion, they couldn't stand to look at his ginger mug. Oliver had decided to make a break for it, they jumped out the window and had landed in the middle of traffic. They were getting trampled by cars left and right. Surprisingly they had managed to get out of traffic, once they had gotten onto the sidewalk a car had driven right over a puddle causing them to get splashed.

To cheer themselves up they had decided to get a refreshing drink at the Dr Pepper store, the flavor was just so refreshing, the perfect drink for the summer! 60% of the bottle is made from recycled plastic too! [Not sponsored by Dr Pepper] As they approached the store they had noticed that it was closed....FOREVER, they ran to the storefront and asked the guy standing outside

"WHAT HAPPENED" Oliver shouted

"We went out of business, rumor has it that our star customer went on a diet, anyways now it's getting turnt into a Lipton Ice Tea store."

"First off, no I'm not on a diet, second off, NOOOOOOO!"

As they were going through the five stages of grief a bulldozer had accidentally smacked right into them. When they came to they were back to their 16 year old self, in their old room, on a call with Issac. In front of them was the game they had started working on as a project. They heard on the other end.

"That's enough for today. I'm gonna end the call now." Isaac said briskly.

"Oh okay." And with that the call was over, suddenly when Oliver went to close the game making client it had crashed and an error message had appeared on screen.


Seeing this Oliver had frantically messaged Issac only to find out that a meteor had crashed into his house. Oliver had nothing left to do so they walked out of their house only to find themselves on a siberian battlefield with Issac at their side

"мы должны бороться за нашу свободу, товарищ." Issac had said to Oliver


Suddenly Issac ran ahead with a gun and was shooting the enemy, the finnish.


Oliver was terrified at this point, and not because the bearskin they were wearing were three sizes too small. They had ran back into the forest, suddenly they were in a fancy restaurant with an attractive GOTH man in front of them.

They were immediately flustered, suddenly though as the waiter was walking by them she had managed to drop all of the food on the tray right on top of Oliver, their date had happen to order escargot because he was french [Oliver was into french people gross] Now they were embarrassed and covered in snails so they ran out of the restaurant crying, only to find themselves working in a Lipton iced tea factory.

"I cant believe we're getting paid 1 cent an hour! At this rate we just might be able to afford our dream apartment." They heard a familiar voice next to them and turned, it was Issac. At this point Oliver was done so they screamed, "GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD." And jumped into the tea, they ended up getting mixed into it and in a few minutes they got shipped out. A few hours later they were in Queen Elizabeth's castle as it turns out they were going to get drunk by the queen herself.

Miraculously they were able to take the tea particles and reform themselves back into a person, they run out of her castle, a few years pass and they have been reformed into the ideal british citizen, every morning and night they brush their teeth with tea, and they have tea for each meal, suddenly they hear knock on the door, when they open it they see...Issac?

Suddenly they sat upright.

"Was it just a nightmare?" Oliver had said, terrified, Issac had hit them with a pillow upon this

"I was having the best dream ever and you ruined it" Issac declared, "Anyways I'm hungry we should go out to eat today." He added on

"We go out to eat everyday."

"Well why stop now?"

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