Day 2 continued

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BOOM, the sound of Oliver falling from their bike erupted, they somehow managed to fall so hard the entire Earth had rumbled and grumbled. In a split second the entire neighborhood was looking out their window to check for the bomber plane only to see their dumbass neighbor on the ground.

"Damn, I didn't know you were that bad." Issac commented.

"It's not MY fault! The training wheels are so wobbly it's practically impossible to balance myself!" Oliver argued back.

"Nothing is wrong with the training wheels, you're being dramatic. Now get up, let's try this again." Issac then made their way over to help Oliver get their ass off the ground.

Oliver got back up and got back onto the bike, they had decided to start practicing going back and forth. Soon enough they had somehow got the hang of it, no credit to the faulty "training" wheels, in fact the only thing it trained Oliver for was to anticipate their falls.

"Seems like you got the jist of it, now let's try going down the block." Issac decided that would be a great idea despite the fact going down the block was also going down a small hill not to mention that it was riddled with cracks, and tree roots lifting the sidewalk.

"Erm don't you think it's a bit too early for me to go down the hill, I mean, I'm still on training wheels."

"Don't worry you'll be fine, the training wheels will make it 100x easier, trust." Issac reassured. "Now come one." Issac then started to pull the bike to the end of the block while Oliver's heart rate sky-rocketed the closer they got to the very top.

"I really don't think this is a good idea, how about we continue going back and forth on the block?? PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME GO DOWN THE HILL IM NEWGEN!!"

"Nononono, I'm like 76% sure you are ready. The spirits told me so."

"THE SPIRITS AREN'T REAL, DON'T LISTEN TO THEM THEY'RE IN YOUR HEAD, PLEASE IM YOUR BEST FRIEND DONT DO THIS TO ME!" Right at the end of that sentence Issac pushed Oliver, sending them flying down the hill.

"Just pedal your way down, you'll be fine!"


"It's not that hard, just place your feet on the little flats."As Oliver continued to bike down the hill suddenly a rock had appeared under them causing them and their bike to end up mid-air, it was almost as if they were a pro-biker, unfortunately for them though they thought this was the day they were gonna die.

"Look at you, already doing tricks, see I knew you had it in you!"

"I THINK THIS IS GONNA BE THE LAST TIME YOU'LL EVER HEAR FROM ME." As they said this they started to plummet back towards the ground, once their bike hit the ground the training wheels had immediately fallen off causing them to start wobbling and fomboling on their way down hill.

"JESUS CHRIST SINCE WHEN WAS THIS HILL THIS LONG?" Oliver had asked seemingly confused since what was usually a small hill had become the equivalent of a mountain.

"Look at that! You don't even need your training wheels anymore!" Issac Hollered.

All of a sudden Oliver started swaying side to side, they were barely on the concrete.

"You're almost at the bottom, just a little more." Right as Issac said that, Oliver ran over a tree root sticking out of the ground and was once again sent flying into the air. At this moment a strong gust of wind had erupted from behind Issac causing him to also start rolling down the hill, somehow Issac had fallen so fast that they were nearly catching up to Oliver, which was still mid air.

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