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"You kidding right?" 

Sugushita's takedown hung heavy in the air.  A stunned silence descended upon the crown, broken only by the nervous rustle of clothing.  Then, whispers began to snake through the crowd, a rising tide of disbelief and curiosity.

"Seriously.." another muttered, trailing off in disbelief.

"Arima got done in?" a third whispered, a hint of awe creeping into their tone.

"You know that guy?"

"Never seen him. Maybe a first year?"

Nirei watched the scene unfold with a mixture o shock and morbid fascination. He started to speak, stammering slightly, "In..." his voice trailed off before finishing the thought.

"In one fell swoop," he finally managed, voicing the stunned realization of the entire room.

Kanuma frowned deeply, staring at the unconscious Arima sprawled across the stage. "No way, Arima.." he muttered in disbelief.

Togame's frown deepened further, her gaze lingering on Sugishita.  Suddenly, a sharp clap beside him pierced the tense silence.  Everyone whipped their heads around to see Tomiyama clapping enthusiastically.

"Wow, you sure are strong!" he declared, a wide grin plastered on his face.  Nirei, Sakura, and Suo stared at him in disbelief, while Togame remained silent, a storm brewing behind him impassive expression.

"What's your name?! Let me fight you too!" Tomiyama exclaimed, bouncing out of his seat with uncharacteristic enthusiasm. He fixated on Sugishita, who was calmly returning to his seat beside Umemiya.

Before Tomiyama could take another step, Togame reached out and firmly planted him back in his chair. "Just you wait," he said, his voice low and dangerous.

Nirei clutched his arm, a tremor running through it. "Not even worried about the guy who lost," he whispered, his voice tight with fear, "he's praising his enemy..."  He cast a terrified glance around at the cheering Tomiyama and the quiet Togame beside him. A shiver racked his body. "It was the same back then...these people are crazy."

Across the stage, the reunion between Umemiya and Sugishita played out.  Umemiya wore a wide grin, clapping the long-haired fighter on the back.  "Yo, welcome back!" he boomed. "You never fail to amaze me with that strength of yours!"

Hiragi, sitting beside Umemiya, approached Sugishita with a different demeanor.  He crossed his arms and eyed Sugishita with a mix of amusement and concern.  "You doing alright?" he asked.

Umemiya, oblivious to Hiragi's concern, reached out and playfully slapped Sugishita on the cheek, right where the punch had landed.  "You've always been thick in the head after all!" he chuckled.

Hiragi scowled.  "He got punched there, will you stop it?" he scolded, but Umemiya simply laughed it off.  His grin faltered, however, when his gaze landed on Y/n.  A crease formed between his brows.  "Y/n," he called out, a touch of worry lacing his voice.  "Come on, praise him."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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