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The young girl awoke early, two weeks after the Zabini's ball. The sun rays hit the mirror on her wall, illuminating the entire room with its gentle light.

Rowena mumbled as she got out of her bed. Slowly making her way to the sash window to close it.

She headed to the bathroom and had a long bath.
After Dobby left, The Malfoy family and Rowena had to learn to do many things themselves. Cooking, cleaning, baths and other small things.

Long, dark, wet curls hung past Rowena's elbows. She dressed herself in a long, baby blue dress and white loafers.

Then ascended the staircase for breakfast.

As usual, not much was on her plate. One, she wasn't bothered to make any more. Two, she doesn't have the biggest appetite. She knew Blaise would scold her for it but Blaise wasn't present. He loved food.

"Good morning, Rowena" Lucius said surprised to see her this early. "Morning, Lucius" Rowena answered. She looked up from her breakfast to see a man she didn't visually recognise. Lucius looked insomnic. His eyes red and deep into his head, he hadn't shaved that night or morning and his entire posture was slouched.

"Lucius, are you alright?" she questioned. He shook his head lightly. "Shall I fetch Narcissa?" Rowena stood up from the table. "No, it's alright let her rest." Lucius confirmed.

He sloppily made his breakfast behind Rowena's back in a few minutes. He took the seat at the top of the twelve person table.

"Rowena. I need to inform you of something.. Something important." Rowena straightened her back "Go on." Lucius turned his back to the door to make sure no one was around them.

"Sirius Black escaped Azkaban last night"

Lucius' words were shaky. Rowena was in complete shock.

"How?" she asked. Lucius shook his head "We don't know, not yet." Silence. "Why?" Rowena questioned. "Why now?" she repeated. Lucius dragged his hands down his face in frustration. "We don't know."

Lucius worked high up in the ministry of magic hense his words 'We'.

"Rowena." He snapped her out of her trance. "The ministry believe you had something to do with it." He told her. "But I've been here! How could it have been me?" Lucius shushed her raised voice. "I know that. But when the ministry believe something to be true, it's hard to change that."

"They're going to arrive here later in the morning and take you away. You must not resist them." Lucius breathed heavily as he stood up.

"Lucius" she called. "Yes" "Will they put me back in Azkaban?" she asked quietly, eyes locked on her plate. "No, Rowena. We have proof you were here, they can't disregard the truth we have"

'What a start to my morning' she thought. A sickly laugh escaped her mouth. She immediately stopped.

'What shall I do as I get taken away.. Read? too early. How about embroider? Never mind my hands are shaking. Potions? Ah yes potions it is'

Rowena skipped down the hall toward her and Draco's makeshift classroom. Potions ingredients organised neatly on the shelf.

She opened the book that lay on the desk infront of her. Draught of peace. To relieve anxiety and agitation. Should be easy enough.

The brunette skipped to the shelves and picked out her raw ingredients. Moonstone, Hellebore syrup, mandrake, unicorn hair, porcupine quills. She matched the ingredients named in the book to the useful labels on the shelf.

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