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The day has finally come. It's June 3rd 1992. Rowena Lestrange is leaving, leaving Azkaban prison and entering the real wizarding world. All of her inmate 'friends' bid their farewells to her. Her mother, well, she assured Rowena that she'd be back in less than two years.

Rowena had grown during the past seven years that no one has seen or heard from her. She's gotten taller first, a worryingly small body due to her lack of food, and jawline mainly because she didn't get enough food to produce fat. Her mother said her face shape has changed as it is more delicate than what it was eight years back. And finally she's more 'Nasty' than ever. Told to her by a close inmate and uncle figure, Sirius Black. It's a gift from spending her entire life in a cell with a 'psycho' for a Mother yet she didn't find her that bad as they were both more or less the same person.

The guards that she had later found out were called dementors, opened her and her mothers cell while one of them held Bellatrix in the cell the other dragged Rowena out of it. "Goodbye Mother, Father have a good time" Rowena said with a smirk her Mother sent her twelve year old daughter a glare, she just laughed. "No but seriously goodbye" she said seriously to them both. "Goodbye lovely, don't waist my money now." Rowena just smiled at her Mothers response as all she cared about was how much gallons were in her bank when she brakes out. Her Father on the other hand, took her release very serious.

"Goodbye Rowena, we will both miss you." He sent a glare toward her mother. With that she took a look at all the other people who had raised her, and was taken down to the bottom floor by the dementors.

There she saw a fireplace with a sign above that read 'Grab some of the ashes, stand in the fireplace say the name of your destination loud and clear, throw the ashes at the floor. We hope you hated your visit' sighing Rowena grabbed some of the powder that was in a small metal bucket, She yelled "DIAGON ALLEY."

She threw the powder at the floor of the fireplace, at first that feeling sick she felt the first time she used it came back also because she was using floo-powder for the first time in years but it was over in a matter of seconds. She had appeared at Diagon alley. First she made her way to 'Gringotts bank' earning stares from wizards and witches, probably because she was still in prisoner's uniform. Rowena didn't care as all she needed was money.

She walked to the farthest desk down the middle of the building. She got to the desk and spoke. "Withdrawal of the name Lestrange" She spoke. The goblin looked down at her as the desk was unreasonably tall, it then spoke. "Of course Ms. Lestrange we have been expecting you." A scoff escaped her mouth "Of course you have."

The goblin walked to what looked like a cart that's been held up by to rails directly under the wheels. She hesitated to sit down. The goblin sat down. The cart started moving making her once again, feel sick, 'I think there's something about me and travelling. we just don't mix' that thought played in her mind for a bit.

After what felt like forever the goblin stopped the cart and got out "Hold this" it gave her a light. They started walking and she felt a bit of wind on her face. Rowena looked up and to be met face to face with a sleeping dragon directly in front of her.

"What could mother possibly be wanting to keep from people so badly that she needs a dragon to guard her vault?!" She asked the tiny goblin. "Oh trust me Ms. Lestrange your mother has many items she doesn't want people thinking about, nevermind seeing or stealing."

The goblin shook a rattle type item as the two ran across to the other side of the room. Once they got to a big black door the creature gave her the light once again as it dragged its finger down the door. When it opened she gave the light back to the goblin. She could see the goblin trying to take a peek of her vault. "I dont think what's in my vault is any of your business." She gestured to the goblin to look away. Whilst grabbing coins and shoved them into her pockets.

The goblin brought her back up to the main entrance. She immediately left to go to a clothing shop. She found one to the right of the entrance of Gringotts.

She walked in earning a stare from the workers, but walked to the dress section and found a few black dresses. Brought them to the counter and paid. She asked quickly if she could use the fitting rooms. With confirmation she walked back to the changing rooms and changed into one of the dresses that was just purchased. Rowena also used the restroom at the store to wipe her face and arms clean as they were covered in floo powder. Then let down her long black hair and walked out of the store, bringing all her new belongings with her.

Rowena then walked to another shop that she most desperately needed, above the windows 'Ollivanders since 382 BC' was written.
She walked into the small wand shop. The only sound was the bell on the door that she'd just opened, "Hello?" she questioned waiting for a response see if anyone was there. "Ah, Ms. Lestrange, it almost feels like yesterday your Mother and Father were in here buying their first wands, now let's get you sorted shall we?" "Suppose so" she answers the ancient looking man, he left for a minute and came back with a box he opened it and gave her the contents.

"Holly wood, with a Phoenix feather core and 11 ¾." After giving it a small wave a vase smashed "Oops" was all she could say "Okay definitely not that one" he walked away for a moment to the back of the shop. "hm I wonder..." he walks a little closer to Rowena, reaches into a shelf and comes back with another box.

"Hazel wood, with unicorn hair core, 11 ¾ and hard flexibility" The minute that wand touched her hand she instantly knew it was the one, After waving it a few times a green light came from the top.

"What are the chances you have your Mother's looks and her sister's wand" he smiled. "fourteen galleons" Rowena gave him the money and thanked him, and left the shop. Quickly she did a spell on her quite tangled hair to make it look less.. greasy and tangled. It worked very well her hair looked very soft and curly, like it should be.

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