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Rowena was taken to a room with a river in the flowing through the middle. She'd presumed thats how to get to the location she was headed to, Prison. The men put her in a boat, "Wher-?" "If you need to get sick, don't." The man cut Rowena's question off. One of the men casted a spell and instantly the boat started moving.

Moments later, Rowena had an urge to be sick as the river she started her travels in was no longer a river, it was the ocean. She was being pushed and tossed all around as the waves were crashing against the sides of the small boat. The noises and movements of the water became overwhelming for the five year old. She looked around to see open oceans with no land or buildings in sight. Except for the ministry that was now miles behind. Rowena sat against the inside of the boat, grabbed her knees and pulled them in, put her head in her hands over them and cried silently as the waves got rougher and as water came over the edges of the boat- soaking her.

The wet and windy eight hour and forty-three minute boat trip was finally over after almost what felt like eternity of being tossed around. Rowena had finally arrived at Azkaban prison, it was a dull place to put a five year old. But; do the crime, do the time. So she has to deal with it because this place was going to be her home for the next seven years of childhood she had left.

Some very big creatures that she revived a cold feeling off, greeted her at the bottom of the skyscraper building with what looked like ripped parts off fabrics for 'clothes'.

First, they brought the shivering girl to an area Where she had to tell them her name. The ministry told them in advance how long the girl had to stay there, because if she was some sort of criminal she could have easily told them a year and they'd never know. She had to put on a ghastly uniform, dirty, smelly and a bit big for a little girl but it was definitely the smallest size they had so it would have to do. The girl was then put in-front of a camera holding a board with weird symbols and numbers on it. Rowena looked at the camera with a sad expression when the photo was being taken.

She was now being walked to her cell. Passing by lots of middle aged and old witches and wizards. She hadn't seen anyone young like herself, nor any of them young. Prisoners were coming to the doors of their cells to see the new prisoner. To their surprise it was a five year old.

Questions were being shouted; 'What she do?'
'She doesn't even have a wand yet by the looks of her' 'A child in Azkaban? this is a joke' 'how young is that?' to the person who said the last question, Rowena followed to where the voice had came from and looked at him. It was an old man- by the look of him at least. His neck snapped in half. How? None of the prisoners could figure that out either.

The man screamed in pain and fell to the floor. The prisoners snapped their gazes to the young girl, which she didn't mind, she quite liked attention. The creatures kept floating up the hundreds of stairs dragging Rowena along to the very top where they put her in a small cell and left.

When Rowena turned to view her cell. She could notice a person was sitting on the floor looking up to her, it was a woman. Who slightly reminded Rowena of herself but a much older version. Due to her very long, curly- but knotty black hair, pale skin and endless brown eyes.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my cell?" she asked quite demanding, startling Rowena. she replied quietly, "Rowena" The woman seemed angered "Rowena" she repeated as she rose up out of her sitting position. "Rowena what? What's your blood?" Rowena didn't understand those questions so she just stood there and looked at the crazed woman. "What is your full name?" she screeched. Rowena again, stayed quiet. The woman started walking up to Rowena slowly. "I will ask you once more. What is your full name?" "Rowena Lestrange" She said quietly.

The crazed woman faltered. Her untamed brows furrowed as she tilted her head. "Oh Merlin, it's you, it's you?" she walked up to little girl and hugged her. Rowena had no idea who 'you' was. "who are you?" Rowena asked frozen with the physical contact she'd never in her life received. "Oh those" the word that followed was unknown to Rowena "Did they brainwash you? I'm your mother" she said with a dirty tooth smile.

'Thats why she looks like me. No, I look like her but that's why. She's my mum' Rowena thought to herself silently. "Really..?" Rowena questioned "Yes really, I wouldn't say a child is my child when i don't even like children except for my child." Rowena was more that confused now. The two looked at each other for a few seconds. "Do you want to meet your father?" Her mother asked after a few blinks. Rowena nodded "Uh Okay" "RODOLPHUS" she cried.

A man in the cell opposite Rowena and her mother walked out of the shadows. He looked like he was in very bad condition. "What could you want Bella?" he said quite annoyed. "Oh stop, I have a surprise" 'Bella' snapped at her husband. "What's the surprise then Bella?" He asked quickly, not satisfied. "Rowena" my mother called. Rowena slowly made herself visible to her father. "Bloody murder" he screeched "Is it her?" he asked quieter this time. "Yes it is her. Look, she's like a smaller version of me" Bella said cackling, clapping her hands together twice. Rowena stayed still while her father studied her wet hair, facial features, eyes and skin  "Bloody hell" he whispered. "Rowena, What have you done to get locked up out here?" Every inmate in every cell was listening to what the answer might be.

"I say the young one robbed a chocolate" A man in one cell said, howls of laughter were heard. "I made her drop." She said quietly. Bella got closed to Rowena "What do you mean, love?" Bella asked "I didnt like her. So she dropped and didn't get up" Everyone around went quiet. Her mother laughed again and clapped twice. "Well done dear. Now, how long do you have to stay in this hell hole?" her mother asked clearly interested. "Seven years?" Rowena remembered the number in the court room. "The people said that 'I'm young and clueless' but I'm here 'cause I did it with no wand" her mother quietened. "Dearest, how exactly did you do it without a wand?" Bella was intrigued. Rowena shrugged, her mother nodded. "Any gifts you have dear, parseltounge? sirens to-" Rodolphus started to be quickly be cut off by his wife. "No, She does not" "Okay, just making sure of it. Because you did fuck around with.." Rowena didn't know what was said after that but her parents began screaming at each other. That didn't take long.

That night went on like many after it, talking about her past life and many prisoners talked about theirs. She became very close to her mother in particular. Rowena learned many things from all of the inmates, they of course became fond of her too, as she grew they all gained what she didn't think was possible more and more respect for her was gained each day. Her knowledge was growing. She probably had more sense than a third year at that witchcraft and wizardry school, when she was eight. Rowena had never actually went to school but her mother said she had went to some place named 'Hogwarts' and said she would be going soon.

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