Just the beginning (edited)

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My name is Clara. Clara Nielson. I've lived in outer banks pretty much my whole life. I live on the cut which makes me a Pogue. I rarely have problems with the Kooks. I mean one of my best friends was one. I did have to work from time to time but I wasn't complaining. I kind of enjoyed working. Well until a Kook wanted to make some sort of comment about either me, my friend's or my family. It really made me angry but I couldn't do anything. If I did I might loose the job and I couldn't do that. So I just ignored it. Anyways enough about that this summer is going to be the best summer ever. Since Kie and Sarah stopped talking I hung out with Sarah last summer. This summer I would hang with the Pogues and Sarah every once and a while but mainly the Pogues. Of course until Sarah and Kie make up. Which they should. I don't know what will happen in the future but I really hope this summer will be better than any other.

I had a quick shower and got dressed before heading to the Chateau. I was walking over since 1. I didn't feel like driving and 2. We lived close enough for me to walk. If I'm being honest I felt bad for leaving Sarah alone today but she did recently tell me about a boy she was starting to catch feeling for. She said his name was Topper or something. I knew a lot of Kooks but I never heard of one with the name Topper. She told me it was one of Rafe's friends. I really hope she would hang out with him today so I could hang with the Pogues.

 I know the Pogues would throw a party after the Hurricane yesterday. Hurricane Agatha really affected people on the cut. Of course the people living in Figure eight had extra generators and workers to clean everything up so they didn't have to worry. I mainly was heading over this early because I got a call last night from Kie letting me know that John B and JJ were being idiots and decided to go surfing. Normally I would go with them but my parents didn't allow me. I had a feeling Kie tried to stop them but those 2 were really stubborn and would do whatever they wanted to. And Pope. He wouldn't do it. It was too dangerous for him so he decided to go home. Or that's what Kie told me.

I finally reached the Chateau and let myself in. I mean they were most likely sleeping or dead. I walked in closing the door behind me to see John B on the couch which most likely meant JJ was in the room. I walked past the room looking in to see JJ making out with a random girl. I closed the door walking over to John B. JJ was kind of a whore not to be rude or anything. He picked girls up whenever he can. Mainly tourists because they were easier to make out with or yk with. I walked over to the couch sitting down beside a John B that looked dead. He was laying on his stomach so his face was in the pillow. I woke him up to make sure he wasn't dead or anything.

I couldn't understand what he said because it was kind of a mumble but he turned towards me his eyes still closed.

"Wake up John B. Glad to see you're not dead." I said standing up heading over to the kitchen.

He sat up looking towards me. "Was someone worried?" He asked as he chuckled a bit.

"Very funny." I replied grabbing a cup and filling it with water. "Maybe I was a little worried." I replied walking over to him giving him the cup.

He grabs the cup and starts to drink the water and I sit beside him.

"What are we doing today?" I ask looking at him. He looked at me with a blank face.

"What? Is there like a spider on my face?" I ask chuckling a bit.

"I thought you were hanging with Sarah like last summer?" He said a bit confused.

"That was last year." I replied

"What's the different between this year and last?" He asked taking another sip of his water.

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