14 - 27 Dancing Forms

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(Just for the sake of this chapter, I provided a couple of videos.) 

"Don't get distracted" -The voice




In the night in a demon-ridden territory of Megapolis city, your long absence has caused concern among the crew.... you never returned home after having that conversation with Sandy.

Awake for a straight week, you watched over Ovate. Playing and adoring the little plant child with your care. You entered the demon brother's apartment, phasing through a window to enter a dimly lit room. Seeing Ovate occupied on a sofa watching YouTube unmonitored. You waltz over, Ovate notices you, flipping the screen to you.

"Papa look, Skibidi toilet!" You stared at the screen speechless. Gently taking the tablet, you changed it to something more educational. Hearing the door creak, you floated backwards phasing through the window.

Perched on a fire escape, you peered wearily through the window drinking an energy can. Jin entered the room and cradled Little Ovate in his arms. "Yin, how do you put this thing to sleep again?" The gold-haired demon shouted to his brother.

"How could you forget?" Yin chided, entering the room. "Watch and learn." The silver-haired demon cradled Ovate in his arms for the demonstration, turning his back to the window. He gently placed a glum Ovate into a baby crib, pulling his phone out, and played PSY's Gangnam song. 

He mimicked the Gangnam style dance. Ovate, unimpressed, noticed you outside the window waving. You quickly taken the empty energy drink can and tucked it into your shoulder bag that was left on the fire escape. The plant child returned a hand wave as you flew out of sight before Jin could spot you. (1)

Reaching the rooftop, you inhaled the brisk air. Gazing at the night sky wearily, you flinched placing a hand below your shoulder blade. Feeling the muscles pumping impulsively, there is no heat but just a lingering pain. Your gaze fallen on a silhouette standing a short distance away. Their milky eyes locked onto yours, their head tilted unnaturally on their shoulder. The silhouette began to draw a twisted-bladed blue dagger from their waist....


In the Silken Web Cave, Spider Queen stood nearby her broken down mech, agitation rising on every flashback of what her advisory did to her. She couldn't get the image of Lady Bone Demon out her head. Startled by both Bone Demon and your distorted face flashing in her vision. She sees multiple spider droids dropping materials then leaving. Her agitation turns to frustration, and says, "Where are those three," gazing at the open sewage tunnel. She boredly pulled out a pink flip phone she found in her cave....

Breathing heavily, you tried to keep quiet as possible. A shadow's blue eyes glistens through the dark, scanning the lit streets before retreating. You exhaled a held breath, you hid by the old Flaming Foundry headquarters that got buried, where the Bull family's underground hideout was. It's not like anyone would return back to it....

Hidden in bushes, spidermen watch you swing on broken metal pillars, swinging you through the air. Your shadow passes by their hiding spot.

"I don't understand why we have to watch him. He seems fine." One rasped.

"Ugh, how could you forget that easily? It told us as long as we keep a sharp watch, we can do what we need to." The other explained.

"Didn't Spider Queen said to retrieve materials and meet her somewhere." Another spoke.

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