Chapter 2 - alone with him

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Chapter 2


Awkward silence fell across the alleyway as the very handsome man stood staring at me as I pretended there was something interesting about my feet. I could feel his perfect eyes gazing at me and all I wanted to do is look up and gawp at him in awe but I couldn't bring my head up to look at him.

The silence echoed around and very soon my hands became clammy with the embarrassment. After a long 5 minutes I finally looked up to see a perfect, hopeful face smiling at me, forcefully I returned the gesture before looking him in the eyes.

His eyes were amazing and thoughtful, they sparkled in the moon light and they were deep and meaningful but I could see pain and emptiness at the back of his wonderful orbs, I wanted to know why he was so sad, I wanted to learn more about this amazing guy!

Suddenly the silence was broken, he cleared his voice then spoke with a very deep and sexy voice, "hi, erm, you look really nice, what's your name babe?" He smiled as his cute dimples fell in place and his amazing orbs danced with the diamonds,

I opened my gob smacked mouth at the sound of his voice then struggled to find the words,

"My name is tori, erm thanks, I didn't really think I was going to meet anyone I, erm I would have made more of an effor..." He quickly butted in stopping me mid sentence and giving me a fright, so stupid and tiny as he towered above me but I felt safe and happy, however the sound of his voice put me at ease.

"No you look stunning, and I didn't really expect anyone either so yeah I don't look great" he mumbled whilst looking down at his feet.

WHAT THE HELL WAS HE ON ABOUT, he looked bloody amazing, I had never seen someone look so fit, I was astonished at him, how could he say that? His cute curly chocolate brown hair was flopped perfectly over his gorgeous face, it was natural and spotty but I like that, it was cute and he wasn't afraid to be him self. He had a plain white t-shirt on with a smart black blazer which made him look very hot and an amazing pair of skinny jeans which showed off his cute butt!!! I honestly had never seen anything more perfect but I didn't want to seem to desperate so I quietly said, " no, I think you look, erm, cool."

WHAT THE HELL TORI, COOL, what are you, 4th grade???? At least you didn't say cool which a capital K! omg you are making a fall out of your self tori. Luckily though he laughed then stretched out his muscular arm which then showed his giant hands, they were huge but incredibly sexy, he shook my hand with amazing strength then he kissed me on the check. I felt hot breath by my ear as he whispered in a low, manly voice, " I am harry, " he paused dramatically, "harry styles."


What do you think then? Harry styles!!!!! Wow :) but remember it is when he was not famous yeah?!

I am in Sri Lanka on holiday at the moment :) Hahaah, where is everyone else?

Thanks guys xxx

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