Chapter 9 - friend now?

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Chapter 9:

Awkwardness hang around the room as mr. Styles stood there staring at me and harry in disgust. He was treating us as if we were animals, I was just about to give him a piece of my mind when he suddenly said,

" my son would never even dream of having sex with someone at this age but then you come along and probably force him to. In fact I presume you just raped hi..." He was swiftly interrupted by harry jumping up, he looked angry and fierce, I had never seen him like that, " DAD, tori is an innocent girl and stop blaming her, in fact I love her dad and I did that then, I started to deepen the kiss, she went along with MY actions, I was the one introducing sex so don't go around blaming other people. I HATE the way you jump to conclusions and hate on people. I thought you wer..." This time it was me that interrupted, I couldn't bare see him fight with his dad and feel the pain I did, "harry, please, I am sorry sir. Please don't be angry, honestly I mean no harm to you or harry, I have spoken to my dad and what he said was wrong. We had one night late but that would have happened even if we hadn't met each other, please don't hold it against us sir."

Harry's father started blankly down at the floor, he started playing with his fingers, something harry did when we first met, he suddenly looked up at me, "I am sorry tori, I was wrong and a jerk. You are a nice girl and I know you will treat harry right. Please, I hope we can get along now and you are welcome here any time." He came over and hugged my gently before exiting the room.

*harry's pov*

i watch amazed as my dad exited the room, I couldn't believe that tori would stand up for me like that, she saved my fight with him and her relationship with him, well and me!

I couldn't believe that she was sooo perfect, I was so lucky to hav her and would never do anything to harm her, it seemed sereal that only last week I didn't know she existed and I was off having one night sex stays with different girls - tori needent know that - but I was so lucky and the one nighters are over now!!

I glanced up at tori who was nervously looking down at her feet and twiddling her long brown hair, she was absolutely gorgeous, her perfect eyes matched her amazing curly hair amazingly and he adorable smile fitted across her face like an angel sent from heaven. But for some reason all I could think about was her naked, I didn't want to use her as that, I want her to special and not like the others but I can't help but want to shove her onto the bed. Please harry you have to control your self.

I suddenly came into realisation that I had been daydreaming for the past 10 minutes whilst she awkwardly stood there.

*tori's pov*

The time ticked by as harry just stood there, it was sooo awkward, I didn't know weither to say anything but he just stood there in another world. He looked incredibly sexy, I was so lucky to have him and I can't wait to get to know him better. I just hoped he wouldn't turn out like Kyle, he used me for sex, I remember all he thought about me was sex, I am so glad harry doesn't see me that way. I can tell that he couldn't care less wether he saw me naked or not, he wants me for who I am - not for what I am in bed. Thank The Lord for that :)



Hey guys, what do you think?? Please let me know and if it doesn't make sense or if its boring let me know!! Haha it does pick up ;)

Please read:

You've changed by katytomlinson17

Fate or coincidence by katylou24

Fight for who you love by katie_rosmary

Becuase they are all amazing!!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha please comment vote and share - you know the usual! Thanks xxx

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